"No, do it now"

"Do what now?"

"Buy house" I demanded

"It's a big investment to buy a big house in the city, I'm not making that investment unless you're sober"

"Come on" I whined

"No. Sleepy time now" she said. I grumbled, got off her and lay down beside her but she put her arm around me and I held her hand while I went to sleep.

"Y/n, wake up" she said and I frowned at her for sounding so urgent

"Morning Kendall, nice to see you too"

"I'm sorry" she said "I know you were drinking last night but I have to put the money for the house down now because New York's going into lockdown and I wanna know if you still want it"

"The big one with the swimming pool in the basement?"

"Mhm, the one I took you to see the other day"

"Yeah, I was mad when we went to that one"

"But are you mad at the house or me?"

"I'm mad at what you did" I said "get the house, I love it"

"Okay, I'm sorry I woke you up. I love you, go back to sleep" she kissed me and got up

"I love you" I said "and I'm sorry I was like that with Ella last night. I won't hang out with her anymore"

"You don't have to do that for me"

"I want to. It's the right thing to do"

"Thank you" she smiled softly "are you coming into work to help me organise anything? I have three days if we're gonna move house as well"

"Does that mean I have to come in or we're not moving house?"

"No, it means I'd like you to be there"

"I'd rather go to sleep"

"Okay, goodnight" she said and I nodded and snuggled under the covers to go back to sleep. She kissed the top of my head, then I heard her leaving quietly.

When I was ready, I got out of bed and started to organise some of our clothes, which turned into organising the whole of our closets, then the bathroom, then the bedroom and before I knew it I'd spent the whole day tidying up the apartment. I really wanted to move into a real home with her, but I was afraid of staying with her forever now because of her history with cheating. I just hoped that me flirting with Ella had been enough of a wake up call for her to realise how horrible she'd made me feel when she'd actually gone through with cheating on me.

"Baby?" Kendall shouted


"That's not my name" she joked and I rolled my eyes "not funny?"

"Nothing you say is funny until further notice" I said and she nodded and wrapped her arms around my waist

"I missed you. Have you been cleaning?"

"I organised our whole bedroom, even the bathroom and closets so we can pack it up faster"

"Awesome. Thanks baby" she said and kissed my cheek "what's for dinner? It smells great"

"Pasta" I said and pointed to the pasta boiling on the stove "how was work?"

"So boring. But I put the money down for the house and spoke to the realtor on the phone about this apartment and the country house and he said he'll put them on the market as soon as possible" she said

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