Cole looked away, but he couldn't regret what he said. Who cares if he broke a rule or two in using government resources to get his pregnant wife home? He just needed her to be safe.

"Do you really think I would want to lose another baby?" Her voice was soft and filled with pain.

Cole's eyes widened, his heart immediately lurching in his throat as he quickly looked back at her. "Stand down, Elizabeth. That's not what I meant."

"Really?" she asked in disbelief, the tears welling in her eyes. "Do you think I wanted to stay here? The airport was blown up before I even knew I was pregnant and the closest one is over a week's walk away. I didn't want to leave here just in case the strenuous trip would do something! I've been thinking of nothing but this baby since I found out! I ... I can't lose another one," she whispered as she glanced down at her feet.

Cole stared at her for a long moment as she shook her head, tears slipping down her cheeks, and quickly turned to walk towards the orphanage. Cole wanted to go after her, but her words kept him rooted in his spot.

A low whistle pulled his attention towards his best friend, Derek Smith. He felt his shoulders deflate as he watched his best friend walk up to him. 

"Well ..." Smith began, "that could've gone better."

Cole sighed and looked towards the orphanage where Elizabeth disappeared. "Do you think ... I was being a bit harsh?" he asked, doubt in his voice.

Smith paused for a moment. "Well, you did just accuse a pregnant woman (who happens to be your wife) that she doesn't care about her unborn baby. Considering her condition, I would say that it was."

Cole looked away as guilt filled him. "I just ... I'm petrified of her staying here. What if something happens...?"

Smith cut his friend off by placing a hand on his shoulder. "How about this? I'm quite close to one of my superiors in the Air Force. Maybe I could twist his arm into flying Lizzy back to America. I'm sure he won't mind too much once I explain the situation."

Cole relaxed slightly and gave his friend a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Smith nodded his head. "No problem."

Looking back towards the orphanage building, Cole sighed. "Do you think I should go apologize?"

"Maybe just give her a few minutes to cool down. She's a smart girl and will realise that you were only saying that because you were worried for her and the baby."

Cole nodded and looked at his friend. "If you wouldn't mind talking to your superior as soon as possible. I ... can't relax until I know she's safe back home."

Smith nodded his head. "I'll try reach him right now."

"Thanks," Cole said and they turned and walked towards the place where they set up camp. 

Cole knew he couldn't stay in the refugee camp much longer. Being a captain, he was in charge of a few troops of men and a number of them had been badly injured in the last battle. Thankfully, there was a camp set up nearby that they were able to retreat to. But they had a few days at the most, before they needed to move back to the front lines. He would be able to focus on his work again once he knew Elizabeth was safe back in America.

As they walked silently beside each other, Cole kept his head bowed, his gaze watching the way his boots would flick up the smallest cloud of dust with each stride.

He couldn't help but think of what Elizabeth said, the fear in her eyes of losing another baby. It had happened a year ago. She was four months along with a little boy. Although they were nervous to become parents, they were still excited. They had never really discussed having children due to their careers, but it was a welcomed surprise all the same. 

Dear DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora