Chapter 107

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The air nipped at Sophia's ears as she pulled off her helmet and climbed off her bike on  a chilly Wednesday morning. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she adjusted her bag on her back and began walking towards the school building. 

There were less than two months left of school before Christmas break came along, but what was more pressing at the moment was the fact that she would be turning eighteen this Saturday ... and she wasn't sure how to feel about it.

It's the first time she will be having a birthday and actually have friends. Was she supposed to invite them over or something? She didn't know. Luke always took birthdays seriously. Maybe he had something planned? She didn't know that either.

Sophia returned the odd greeting on her way and she soon met up with Mindy, and the two of them walked towards their subject block in silence. History was the first lesson of the day.

Sophia's thoughts trailed back to two days ago, when she found out who Mr Evans really was. She hasn't seen him since. He took unexpected leave, she guessed it was to return to his old home for a few days, and they are being taught by a substitute instead.

The classroom already had a few students seated when Sophia and Mindy entered, but Sophia was confused when she didn't see Luke sitting in his usual spot. He was always such an early bird to school, it was unbelievable.

"I wonder where Luke is?" Mindy asked softly. "Did he say anything to you?"

"No," Sophia replied with a shake of her head and a frown. 

How odd. He never missed school.

"Maybe he's just running late?" Mindy offered.

Sophia's frown deepened. She didn't believe that. He never ran late.

Soon class commenced and there was still no sign of Luke. Sophia felt herself starting to grow a little anxious. Where is he? The desk next to her felt so empty without him. She bit her lip, feeling something turn in her stomach. What if something bad happened to him?

"Maybe he just took a day off to study for finals? It's not uncommon to do now with them so close," Mindy suggested after History had ended, sensing Sophia's anxiousness although she tried to hide it.

Sophia nodded, trying to allow Mindy's words to soothe her slightly, but her stomach still had that feeling; an ominous feeling.

The rest of the day passed too slowly for Sophia's liking, and she found herself looking out for Luke where ever she went, but she never saw a sign of him. He definitely wasn't at school. Her worry increased. 

Where is he?

When the final bell rang Sophia almost sprinted towards her bike as she hastily fastened her helmet under her chin and brought her bike to life. Not really caring about the attention she gained as she gunned down the accelerator and flew out the parking lot, Sophia moved as quickly as she could towards Luke's house.

Sophia never experienced this feeling before. The intense worry that coursed through her body almost gained her a speeding fine from her rush. She didn't know how to describe it, but her thoughts were focused solely on finding Luke. Nothing else mattered in that moment. She knew that something had definitely happened. Luke normally always texted saying if he was going to stay home. 

She hadn't heard a peep from him.

Slowing down to stop outside Luke's house, she relaxed a tiny amount when she noticed his bike situated outside. Kicking down the stand peg, she twisted her leg over the side and removed her helmet as she walked up to the Woods' front-door. She hesitated a moment before pressing a gloved finger to the doorbell and waited.

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