Chapter 25

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Out of all the days of the year, there is one in particular that I always dread. Anyone else in this world who happens to be single will agree with me that this day is the worst ... Valentine's Day.

Yup, the day that all the single people, especially at school, dread because it is the day that everyone who has someone special in their life shoves it in your face while you walk alone through the halls filled with red hearts and white balloons. I hate it really. It always feels like a slap to my face. I wouldn't mind dating someone, but my mother would never allow it while I am at school. 

However, I'll admit that this Valentine's Day was a little different. Mainly because I wasn't 'single' this time.

Once my mom dropped me off and I was safely within the school grounds, Richard greeted me as he did every morning - with a kiss on my cheek. Even though we've been 'dating' for about three weeks now, it was still difficult for me to get used to it. I mean, come on, I'm letting my best friend kiss me!

"I've got a little surprise for you," Richard smiled happily and I raised an eyebrow as I saw two of his teammates from football walk up to us with something hidden behind their backs.

"Oh?" I asked and Richard grinned. 

My eyes widened as he took out the object behind the two guys and I saw that it was a massive, brown teddy bear with a heart  being held between its two paws. Seriously, the thing was as big as me!

"Oh, wow," I uttered in complete shock as he handed it to me. "You didn't have to do this," I said with embarrassment and I held the teddy higher to hide my red face. It smelled of chocolate.

"Thanks, guys," Richard said and I only looked up once I heard their receding footsteps.

"Seriously, you didn't have to, Richard," I muttered, guilt filling me when I realised that I hadn't gotten him anything. 

Even though I knew full well that it was Valentine's Day today, it completely slipped my mind that I actually had to buy my 'boyfriend' a present. Besides, my mom would immediately fire up the questions if she saw me with a box wrapped in red paper today. Also, I was never someone who could easily show other people affection by cards, hugs or gifts. I just always felt awkward when I did.

"But I wanted to," Richard smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist as we proceeded into the building.

It felt awkward to me, the holding. It was ... How do I explain it? Just ... as though our bodies didn't fit right next to each other. As though we were two mismatched puzzle pieces forced to fit.

However, despite the thoughts, I was used to getting a present from Richard. It was always a little teddy bear (and I've kept every one) but this year was off the charts. My arms could barely reach around it and it almost touched the floor when I lowered it so I could see where I was going.

One thing never changed on Valentine's Day though. 

As we walked through the halls, girls kept stopping us to give Richard cards (and me a side-glare) which he kindly took then threw away in the nearest bin once out of sight.

I wrapped both arms securely around my bear as Richard arrived at his locker and let go of me to open it, only to have thousands of letters pour out of it like a crimson waterfall.

"You know, I get the slightest feeling the girls at this school don't believe you're taken. You need to up your acting," I joked in a whisper and I saw Richard's ears turn a light shade of pink.

"It'll blow over," he replied.

After a minute of clearing away all the letters, Richard finally managed to get his books before kissing me on the forehead and we went our separate ways to class.

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