Chapter 83

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It's been a week since Cole and I started dating, and I can honestly say I've never been happier in my life. Every time I think about him I can't stop the smile from forming. On several occasions I would even find myself thinking of him and completely forget what I was busy doing.

It was difficult though, trying to hide my feelings; especially in school. I can't explain how difficult it was to see Anne and not blurt out that I was dating the boy that I never ever would have thought I had a chance in dating.

But here I was on cloud ten thanks to him.

Cole was a thousand times better at hiding it than me though. Honestly, if I didn't know I was the one dating him, I never would have guessed he even had someone in his life romantically. Even in tutoring sessions he would remain as stoic as he did before; my only reassurance being the secret, knowing glances he would send my way whenever we made eye contact.

Of course it all shifted the moment we would meet up by the bench in the park later on in the afternoon. Now please don't get me wrong; we are not the kind of couple that can't keep their hands off each other - those kinds irritate me to no end.

No, I was more than happy just holding hands and going for walks along the many footpaths and just talking, getting to know each other on a deeper level.

Although that didn't stop Cole from stealing the odd kiss here and there, which never failed to make my knees weak, but I loved spending time with him and learning more about him. Not his deep secrets, just little things that made Cole ... Cole.

Dobey, who always comes with whenever I go running, was more than happy to see Cole again. He had been missing him over the last few weeks.

Now I found myself having just finished my homework late on a Monday evening and was busy relaxing by the T.V. when I heard the phone ring. I glanced at my parents: my dad was passed out on the three-seater (as usual) and my mom was making no indication of getting up to answer.

I inwardly sighed and hauled myself off the couch and made my way to the small foyer where our telephone was stationed.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Lizzy!" a panicked voice called and it took me a moment to register the voice.

"Stella?" I asked confused and frowned. 

Why would Cole's aunt be calling me? Alarm suddenly shot through me as questions bombarded me. Was Cole okay? Had something happened to him? How did she get my number? 

"What's wrong?" I asked, fear growing in my chest.

"Don't worry, dear, Cole's fine," she said quickly. I'm not sure if she knows we're dating or not, but her tone didn't ease me.

"It's just - I just received a phone call and ..." she paused for a moment and I waited impatiently. "Cole's sister ... she's in hospital."

"What?" I asked shocked. 

I didn't know they still had contact with her. Cole never spoke about her.

"Cole contacted me just short of an hour ago. Because I'm her legal guardian they phoned, but I'm away with my husband at the moment so they spoke to Cole instead. They refused to tell him what was wrong over the phone though because she's an adult. I'm sorry for calling you at this hour but I'm worried about Cole. Is it possible for you to go to St George's Hospital?"

I glanced at the old grandfather clock. It was already so late; my mom would never let me drive by myself. I looked down at my fluffy pyjamas and bit my lip. I would have to twist her arm somehow. This is an emergency. 

Dear Diaryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें