Chapter 60

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The whole world felt still, save for the soft drizzle coming down on Cole and I as we walked in silence. My mind began to replay the past events of where Cole and I walked together in a similar situation. Only this time I was appropriately dressed and carried my own umbrella. I was also dry this time.

But the whole atmosphere around us was different: tense and anxious. We walked with at least two feet between us and while my one hand held my umbrella above me, the other was stuffed deep inside my pocket and clutching onto Dobey's lead as though it was a lifeline.

Dobey walked in between the two of us (apparently oblivious to the tension) and I couldn't help but feel that he represented a wall that had been figuratively built between us over the course of the last two months and a week.

Cole hadn't uttered a word on where it was we were going exactly, so I had no choice but to follow him silently. I didn't bother to try and break the awkwardness though and instead kept my gaze locked on my boots.

"We're here," Cole muttered after a few minutes. 

I looked up to see a quaint little café named 'Sugar Break'. I followed him as we made our way to the entrance. I paused a second when I saw him open the door and gesture for me to go in first.

"Thanks," I muttered awkwardly and scurried inside the building. 

Warmth and the smell of confectioneries immediately hit my senses and my stomach was quick to remind me that I had not eaten today. Dobey's tongue lolled out his mouth as he took in all the treats and I tried not to copy him.

"Hi there," a woman greeted from over the counter as she appeared from a door a little further back. Her hair was a warm dark chocolate and her eyes were crystal blue. "What can I -? Oh, Cole, I didn't see you there." Her eyes looked over me to the boy standing a little too close behind me.

"Hey, Aunt Stella," Cole replied and my eyes widened slightly.

I turned to look back at Cole then at Stella. Their hair was an identical shade so they were probably related via blood. 

"And who is this handsome chap?" I looked back at Stella to see her smiling at Dobey.

"Oh, this is Dobey," I introduced quietly and then panicked. "If you don't allow dogs I can always-"

"Nonsense!" Stella cut me off with a bright smile. "I love dogs. He's more than welcome, so long as he behaves."

"He will, thank you," I muttered awkwardly. 

I'm not good at meeting new people. But even though she was Cole's aunt, their personalities could not be more different.

"Well, whatever you order is on the house," Stella smiled.

My eyes widened. "Oh no, I couldn't ..."

Stella shook her head and leaned over the counter as if to tell me the world's biggest secret. "It's the first time Cole's brought a girl here, so I really don't mind," she said and added a wink making me flush bright red and Cole shifted uncomfortably.

"What would you like, Elizabeth?" he asked but as I looked at him he quickly averted his gaze to the scenery outside the warm café which had a few patrons scattered around the establishment.

"Um..." I looked back at the menu which was printed on the side of the display cabinet. "Could I have a hot chocolate please?"

"Sure, honey. Cole, would you like one too? I know they're your favourite," Stella smiled at him and I saw a bit of heat creep up his neck. 

To be honest, I didn't think he had much of a sweet-tooth.

"Sure, whatever," he grumbled and his aunt giggled.

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