Chapter 41

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It took me only a moment to recover as I quickly shook my head and pulled my hair back into a hideous ponytail. I grabbed my bag, which I had left in the stall, and rushed out the bathroom trying to locate the dark-haired male who just disappeared after making my heart do flips. 

But he was nowhere to be seen.

I was so focused on trying to find him, for a reason unknown to me, that I momentarily forgot the hatred the school held towards me and I instantly shrunk back into my shell when they tossed dirty looks my way. I was about to run back into the bathroom to ditch my last class when someone called my name.

I hesitantly looked to see Richard rushing towards me with worry in his brown eyes. 

"Hey, Anne told me what happened. Are you okay?"

I'm okay now, but no thanks to you

I blinked at the bitter thought that crossed my mind. I looked around to see people glaring at me fiercely and I automatically inched towards the bathroom. A thick skin was something I did not have - unfortunately. 

"I should go," I muttered, but a hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned to see Richard's concerned face.

"I'm so sorry I got you in this position, Lizzy, but hiding away in a bathroom is not going to help you," he said.

I looked down at my feet. "I don't know, it seems to have been helping pretty well," I mumbled.

"Come on, let's go to class. Only one more hour and I'll be with you all the way. Nothing will happen, I promise," Richard tried to convince me and my stomach churned at the thought of putting myself out there for judgment once more.

I sighed. But how could I possibly say no to that face? 


Richard's hand slowly trailed down to hold mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze before leading me to English. He's right. It's only one hour till school ends. What else could possibly happen?


I spoke too soon. 

As Richard and I made our way across the courtyard, we could hear the distant chant of a crowd gathering. Richard and I looked at each other before following the noise. Many students had created a ring and I instantly realised that there was a fight. But because it was outside the school building, none of the teachers had realised yet.

I wasn't going to stick around to watch it though. It would be a good cover-up for me as now people will be more worried about the fight than the rumour. Richard and I were just about to turn around and leave, but some random person's words stopped me in my tracks. 

"Cole's going to kill him."

Richard tried to hold me back, but I wriggled from his grip and dashed into the crowd, consisting of students who were like giants compared to me. But my smallness made it easier to slip through the people and I soon found myself at the front of the crowd. What I saw made my face pale.

Whoever said that was right. Cole looked ready to kill. And the person: none other than the principal's son, Ryan ... Cole's cousin. 

I winced as Cole flew into him with such speed and strength that Ryan crashed against the wall with his back. I swear I heard the wall vibrate. Ryan tried to punch Cole off him, but he dodged and sent his own punch which hit its target with enough force that Ryan dropped to the ground with a sickening crunch.

Cole looked down at his winded cousin and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him half-way off the ground. It was rather impressive because Ryan was not a small guy, but my eyes widened when I saw him draw back his clenched fist. 

I suddenly wondered why no-one was stepping in to stop him, to help the barely conscious teen with blood gushing down his face, but I then realised why they didn't. Everyone was petrified of Cole.

"Cole!" I gasped as I watched his fist fly forward. 

Somehow over the deafening sound of the crowd my voice reached his ears and he paused mid-throw. His face snapped in my direction and I jumped slightly when his eyes connected with mine.

They were not the same eyes that I had seen in the bathroom. These were almost black from the amount of anger they held and his face was twisted into the most terrifying expression I had ever seen.

I took a shaky step back as fear seized my chest and I felt someone wrap their arms protectively around my waist. I saw Cole's eyes slowly trail away from my face to the person who held me. I saw his jaw clench and his fist tightened before his eyes found mine once more. 

My own were wide as I continued to stare at him in horror. I couldn't believe that I had actually forgotten this side to him: this dangerous ... almost murderous side. Undoubtedly what my mom was warning me about. This boy ... I'm not safe with him.

I bit my lip and looked away from his eyes down to the injured boy held up by his hand as hurt and apprehension filled me. Why did I think he had changed? He was still the same: the same scary Cole who made me nervous ... and most certainly not relaxed. 

My heart jumped in my throat when I realised that he could easily do what he had done to Ryan to me, only a hundred times worse. My legs felt weak and I ended up collapsing against Richard's chest to try and balance myself. This was what everyone was warning me about. How was I too blind to see it?

But despite my thoughts, I found my eyes trailing back to him. He hadn't stopped staring at me, but when my eyes met his again he looked down at his badly beaten cousin a moment later. I saw his lips move as he muttered something to him too softly for anyone to hear. 

Ryan gave one small, weak nod and, just like that, Cole's fist fell as he released Ryan's collar allowing him to fall to the ground in a heap. Cole didn't even glance my way as he turned on his heel and stormed off, people parting for him eagerly to avoid his wrath.

"Come on," Richard whispered in my ear as I continued to stare at Cole's receding back. Richard's hold tightened on my waist. "Let's get to class."

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