Chapter 106

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The first day I went back to school was a maelstrom of emotions for me. So much had happened in the space of only a few weeks that I wasn't sure how my day would go. After spending a month in the hospital and over two weeks at home, I wasn't sure how people would react when they saw me.

So, I was greatly surprised when I entered the building to find that everyone I passed smiled and welcomed me back.

Of course, I couldn't say that everyone was pleased to see me though. I haven't spoken to Richard since that day two weeks ago. Although I've seen him in church, he always looks the other way with an angry scowl on his face. I didn't even try to talk to him, I was still upset over what he called me.

My parents noticed that something had happened between us and although they probed me to find out what was wrong I never told them, and they never pushed it. Amy made no notion to acknowledge me when I returned to classes either. She never even visited me in the hospital. So, I ignored her as well. I had too much happen to me that I couldn't deal with pettiness anymore.

As the time of finals approached, I found myself delving into my schoolwork more than I ever have. It was a release for me in a way. I didn't have to think about all the horrible things that have happened to me in such a short space of time when I studied, and soon I almost became addicted to it.

I would barely sleep, maybe three hours at the most, then be up again to study. It was my escape from the world. In a flash, the two weeks had passed and finals began. Having spent all my time studying, I was never in my life more prepared for my finals than then. Having done countless revision tests, I knew every question and method possible that they could ask and when our results came back after the month long exam period, 

I was stunned to find that I received high 90's for every single one of my subjects. But the one that glued my feet in place was my math mark. A subject that was my worst enemy until Cole came into my life, was now a mark of which I received the first perfect score in the history of the school.

My mom, who was always so against Cole and how he was a bad influence for me, never uttered a word when she saw that mark.

As the school year drew to a close and graduation day arrived, everyone was bustling with joy in their ceremonial gowns, but I remained just as stoic as the day I lost Dobey. Although he had passed over six weeks ago, I still wasn't over it. My feeling at the beginning of the year was right: this year definitely was going to be different. But I never would've thought it would turn out the way it did.

Once the ceremony concluded and everyone cheered and did the usual picture taking. I found myself at a loss on what to do when I came home after my family held a small celebration party for me and my cousins, which was more awkward than anything else due to the fact that Amy was there ... and that her mother completely ignored me when I greeted her. Something that I found extremely rude. She acted as though she never even saw me yet I was right in front of her.

I would've blocked out those experiences by studying, but now ... I had nothing more to study. Due to my marks, I had been accepted into the university that I had always wanted to attend to study theology, but my books would only arrive in a few months, so I had nothing to study now. So, I made do with reading a romance novel that I haven't read in months. Although the main male character reminded me too much of Cole.

It was mid-afternoon, two days after graduation, when I heard a knock on my door. I looked up and noticed my dad walk in with a slightly hesitant expression on his face. 

"Hey," he greeted softly.

"Hi," I said and turned back to reading my book. 

Things were still a little bit tense with my family, because they never told me what Dobey was going through when I was in the hospital. Although I realised since why they did what they did, it still left a tiny bit of resentment in me and I haven't really spoken to them since due to exams.

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