Chapter 33

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Going out to eat pizza with a group of girls was ... better than Sophia expected. 

After school they decided to go to the cafe across the street where Sophia usually went to get her ice-cream treat. Chloe, the barista, raised her brow at Sophia when they entered, a little shocked to see the stoic accompanied by so many people: there were about eight girls all together.

They had chosen one of the back tables and Sophia sat on the edge of the group. She was quiet most of the time, but did allow herself to give the odd comment here and there when they asked.

When Chloe had come to take their orders, Sophia was more than happy for just her usual ice-cream, but seeming as though she was with people, who insisted on paying for her, she opted for a small, cream-chicken pizza. She wasn't overly fond of oily foods, but she didn't voice her thoughts.

The afternoon went quite quickly. As Sophia grew more at ease around them, she spoke a little more. Blair actually knew a thing or two about motorbikes so the two of them mainly spoke to each other and Sophia found she actually enjoyed it. She's never really bonded with a girl her own age before. If felt nice; the young, female company.

When the sun gradually began to set the girls finally decided to call it a day. They all exchanged numbers with Sophia and she was surprised to see how much longer her contact list had grown. Originally, she only had her father's number, her Aunt Tess and Cousin Eric, whom she spoke to from time to time, and one or two other contacts. Luke had given her his number a little while ago, purely to be able to ask her about her food preferences for the next Sunday. Now she had seven more names added. It felt weird, but ... nice.

That evening her phone was the noisiest it has ever been with messages from the girls. Although Sophia answered every one, they were short and to the point with absolutely no use of emoji's. She didn't want them to get the wrong idea.

The next morning was a bit of a shock to Sophia. While she was used to seeing Luke waiting by his usual spot, she was not expecting to see Alice and Blair with him ... or how they looked. Not to be mean or anything, but she now saw why Rachel, fashion empress, picked on them.

Blair wasn't too bad with her attire. Her brown hair was tied back in a loose pony but her face was devoid of all make-up. Her clothes, instead of the four-inch heels, were now a pair of running shoes, mid-thigh shorts and a loose top. Basically, now just by looking at her you could see how laid-back her personality was.

Sophia's gaze travelled to Alice, who almost hung from a very awkward-looking Luke's arm. She had gone for the more ... vibrant look. She had dip-dyed her black hair into a bubblegum pink and, while she was still dressed in more fashionable clothes than Blair, they certainly weren't designer. She wore a pair of pink ballet flats, a white knee-length skirt, but her top showed something very startling for an eighteen year old. 

From a glance alone, you could tell that Alice had a fetish for a programme designed for five year old kids: My Little Pony.


"Oh, Pinky Pie's my favourite character!" Alice gushed later that day as the group sat outside under the trees for break. "She's just so funny and full of life. That's why I dyed my 'mane' to match hers!"

To be honest, almost everybody wasn't listening to Alice's excited chatter. 

Luckily, the rest of the group hadn't changed too much. Instead of wearing short skirts though, most of them now wore comfortable jeans and shoes that you could actually walk in without stumbling. Sophia wasn't blind to see how much more relaxed they all looked today. And thank goodness the topic of make-up didn't surface once.

Once break was almost over, it was Sally, Blair and Alice who accompanied Sophia to her locker. She had politely declined their offer to walk her there because she really needed some time to herself. She wasn't used to socialising so much, but they had insisted.

Sally still looked like herself. She wore some make-up, but sported more pastel colours than the bright colours she had worn the day before. It was obvious that she liked music. She had a pair of headphones around her neck and every now and then her head bobbed to a rhythm before she quickly wrote it down in a music note covered book.

Sophia placed her combination in her locker and began to exchange books while the girls stood around her patiently waiting for her to finish.

"Aw, isn't this sweet." 

Sophia didn't need to ask who that saccharine voice belonged to. She had been wondering when she would make an appearance. She slowly turned to look at Rachel who smiled and crossed her arms. 

"You've finally made some friends, Sophia! Albeit the misfits of the school," she added a cackle and her posse took the hint laughing as well.

Sophia saw the three girls give her hesitant looks, but Sophia continued to stare at Rachel blankly. "I fail to see how my life is any concern of yours," she stated and crossed her arms over her chest.

Rachel scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself."

"I'm not. Just stating facts," she replied nonchalantly.

Rachel glared at her. "You're pathetic."

"Then I guess I'm way out of your league."

Rachel's ears burned red when she noticed that a crowd had began to circle them and a few mutters came as they heard Sophia's comment. 

Her glare intensified. "You wish."

"I don't."

Rachel looked ready to wring Sophia's neck. The blank look was driving her crazy because she just couldn't seem to get under her skin while Sophia seemed to be doing it perfectly to her with no work at all. 

But, like any Queen Bee, she refused to be beaten, even when she obviously was. She merely rolled her eyes and stated, "I don't have time for this." 

She marched off at a rather brisk pace before Sophia could say anything more humiliating.

The crowd slowly dispersed, breaking into chatter as Sophia finished getting the books she needed and closed her locker. She raised her eyebrows when she turned around to see the admiration shining in Alice's eyes.


Alice beamed. "You're so cool!"

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