Chapter 10

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Friday seemed to approach too quickly for my liking because today was the day of our first of many weekly math tests. I was on the point of throwing up due to nerves, and it wasn't even for marks. I had studied all week for today, but now that I was actually sitting in the classroom, it felt as though everything had flown out my head leaving me with nothing to go on except panic and prayer. Lots of prayer. 

Honestly, I think that was the only way I passed last year.

"Alright class, once you get your test you may begin. You have this lesson to finish," Mr Tuttle said and began handing out the papers on my side first. He clearly knew that I needed as much time as possible.

He placed the question paper on my desk and gave me a 'good luck' smile before proceeding down the row. I took a deep breath and looked at the first question. It seemed like a simple algebraic equation. This isn't too bad. I can do this. I picked up my pen to start answering then hesitated as my mind turned to mush. I let out a barely audible sob.

I can't do this!


"Time's up!" Mr Tuttle said and I placed my pen down with an extremely shaky hand. 

I wrote complete nonsense as usual and with the way I was panicking, my handwriting turned to jumble. So probably what I got right, he couldn't read anyway.

I looked at Anne to see her calmly staple her papers together. How do people find maths easy? Okay, Anne wasn't brilliant like Richard, but she still did well. Well enough that she won't get scolded by her mother when she gets her mark on Monday.

"How was it?" Mr Tuttle asked everyone and I discretely hid my face in my hands. 

I heard groans from people about how difficult it was and my spirits lifted. Maybe I wasn't the only one? But then I glumly remembered that I was ranked the lowest in the class. But no-one needed to know that, except for Anne. Best friend privileges, you know.

As soon as Mr Tuttle finished collecting all the papers, the bell rang and we all began packing away our things. "I'll mark these over the weekend and decide who will be needing tutoring with whom," he said as I stuffed things in my bag and stood.

"Come on, Anne," I mumbled. 

I didn't want to be in this classroom a moment longer than necessary. 

However, as I stood to enter the isle my foot hooked on the corner of the desk and I not-so-gracefully descended to the floor, unknowingly pulling someone else down with me.

I groaned as I landed flat on my face and turned onto my side holding my face in my hands. I heard Anne gasp before quickly coming to my side. 

"Lizzy, you okay?" she asked and I gave a small nod as I slowly moved my hands away from my face. I sensed someone get up next to me and I turned to see who it was. To my horror, I saw Cole wiping floor dust off his white school shirt.

I became patently aware that the class was silent and staring at me. My face turned red and boiling hot as I quickly stood. I was about to apologize when I felt something run from my nose to my upper lip. 

"Oh no," I muttered when I saw blood on my fingertips. I gave a quick glance to Cole and muttered a 'sorry' before running off to the bathroom, knowing that Anne would follow shortly after with my bag.

I ducked my head to avoid the curious glances of students as I ran with a hand over my nose and flew into the first stall I saw, grabbing a roll of toilet paper.

"Lizzy, you okay?" I heard Anne call a moment later.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fell flat on my face, no bigey," I replied a little sarcastically and plugged my nose with paper so I could clean my hands of the blood they cupped. She gave me a look like she didn't believe me. 

Dear DiaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon