Chapter 110

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[A/N] Major trigger warning! Please read at own risk!

Luke let out a shaky breath as he made a sharp turn down yet another road, his fear growing in his chest the more he realised that he had lost Sophia's trail. Quickly pulling over to the side, he fished in his pocket for his phone, pulling it out and hastily dialing Sophia's number.

He waited with baited breath as it started ringing.

"Please, pick up, Soph," he begged the phone. "Please."

His anxiety grew in yards when his call was declined. 

He thumped his hand against the handle bar in frustration. He had no clue where she had gone and the thought of what she could be doing terrified him to the core. This was what General Smith had been so worried about - he knew that Sophia was close to her breaking point. 

This was why he asked him to watch her.

Luke took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down to allow himself to think. Where would Sophia have gone? He squeezed his eyes shut and thought.

"I love a river. It's always there, but always moving, always changing and yet so peaceful. If I died one day, I wouldn't mind it being by a river."

Luke's eyes shot open as he remembered that conversation that took place a little over a week ago. The river ... that's where she's gone!

Without wasting a second, Luke revved his bike and spun around, taking off towards the only river in Ridgeview. The wind stung his eyes as he weaved between the traffic, his heart up in his throat.

Please, don't let him be too late.


Sophia had a strange sense of calmness, as she always did, when she leaned over the bridge's railings to stare at the languid body of water at least a hundred feet beneath her. The crisp winter air nipped at her face but she didn't feel it. She didn't feel anything anymore. The pain in her heart numbed everything else and she wanted it to stop.

She's gone on like this for too long, she's tried for too long. Now she was exhausted, she couldn't fight anymore. 

She was finished.


"No, Sophia, stop!" Luke yelled as he reached the bridge just as he saw Sophia step up onto the railing, about to jump. 

Her head whipped around at the sound of his voice and he clambered off of his bike before rushing towards her. 

"Sophia ... don't do it," he begged, his eyes wide.

Sophia stared at him for a moment before turning her gaze back to the water below her. "I ... I didn't want you to see this," she whispered, her voice broken, succeeding in sending a cold chill down Luke's spine.

"Sophia, please ... step away from the railing. Let's just talk about this first," Luke tried his best to keep the fright from his voice as he forced himself to move slowly towards her. 

He didn't want to act too quickly and make her feel cornered.

Sophia stayed silent, but she made no move to back away. 

"Soph, please. This that you're running away from ... what you're about to do is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem."

A look of anger passed her eyes. "Temporary? Temporary? I've been fighting for my father's affection my whole life! How is that temporary?" she yelled and turned to look at him, hot tears burning her eyes. A pained sound escaped her lips. "My dad hates me."

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