Chapter 24

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"And just a final reminder to all those interested in trying out for the track team, it will start at 15:00 by the fields. Thank you."

The intercom switched off as the bell rang to signal the end of history and the day.

"So, what are you doing now?" Luke asked Sophia as she packed her things and slung her bag over her shoulders.

"I'm going to my locker," she stated and Luke fell in-step next to her as they made their way down the corridor. 

Sophia caught sight of a few girls sending her heated glares, but she paid them no heed.

"I know that," Luke almost whined. "What are you doing after that?"

For the past month that Sophia has been at Ridgeview, she's noticed how Luke has been trying to get her to open up to him. Even though she went to his house every week, she always made sure never to delve too deeply into her personal life. Opening up was something she was not comfortable doing. But Luke was always so persistent ...

"Fine," she sighed. "If you really must know, I decided to take your advice."

A look of confusion crossed his face. "My advice?"

"From two days ago?" Sophia prompted, but he didn't lose the clueless look. She sighed again. "I've decided to try out for the track team."

It took Luke another moment before his face broke into a broad grin. "That's great, Soph!" he said proudly and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her into a side hug. 

Sophia stiffened instantly, not only at the contact but also at the nickname. No-one has ever called her by anything but her name before. It felt weird, as though he was addressing someone else.

Luke immediately realised what he did and quickly let go of her with a nervous chuckle. "Uh, you know, because no-one ever takes my advice so for you to, you know, it's like ... woohoo?" he finished with a half-hearted, slightly apprehensive cheer as his cheeks flooded with colour.  

Sophia stared at him for a moment, trying to figure him out when she felt eyes on her. She looked at the crowd around them and rolled her eyes when she saw girls instantly look away and scatter.

"So, um, good luck with it then," Luke said and shot off in the direction his locker. 

Sophia brushed off his odd behaviour and made her way to her own locker. She entered the code and opened the door to begin placing books in her bag. The door suddenly slammed shut, almost catching her fingers.

If Sophia was skittish, she would've jumped from the loud bang. But instead, she merely looked at the self-invited company with a raised eyebrow. She was a thin girl who was probably a little shorter than her, but made taller by the insane heels she wore. Her auburn hair was pulled into an intricate braid and her face was a mask of make-up which made her hazel eyes pop. Her suffocating perfume almost made Sophia step back, but she never backs down from anyone.

"Stay away from him," the girl warned with a vicious glare. 

Sophia didn't have to ask who she was referring to. There was only one guy she spoke to in this school.

Sophia opened her locker again. "I have no intention in taking orders from you," she replied calmly and the girl shut her locker again to redirect her attention. 

Sophia sighed.

"I'm warning you ..." she threatened. "I can make your life a living hell."

Sophia opened her locker door once more. If this girl was trying to intimidate her, it won't work. No-one was more intimidating than her father. 

"Like I said, I have no plan in taking orders from you. You have no say in who I can and will talk to. Understand?" she pulled her sports bag out of her locker before calmly closing the door behind her and proceeded to walk away.

A hand latched onto her and Sophia guessed the girl was trying to dig her long nails into her arm, but she failed terribly due to Sophia's leather jacket.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she hissed.

Sophia narrowed her eyes, finally losing her cool a little. "Likewise."

The auburn-haired girl clenched her jaw before stomping off to be greeted by a group of equally dolled-up girls. Sophia rolled her eyes and continued on her way. This high school, although some aspects were different, was still very much the same as any other: filled with rich, bratty girls who think they can control everyone. 

Sophia shook her head as she walked to the girls' locker-room. She would just ignore the girl for now, but she had a feeling that this one won't give up without a fight.


"Alright everyone, the try outs are rather simple. The five best times will be on the track team and the rest are reserves. If you don't make it on the team, don't feel disheartened. You are more than welcome to still come to practise. The school encourages exercise."

Sophia watched the coach, a hard-looking woman with jet black hair in a high ponytail, walk up and down the line of fifteen girls. 

"Okay, let's start with some stretches, then a quick warm-up lap before starting," Miss Dempsey instructed and blew her whistle.

The stretches were rather simple and soon they started their warm-up lap. Sophia noticed that most of the girls were chatting away the entire time and not focusing. If they were in an army base camp, they wouldn't even be able to talk once the superiors were through with them.

"Line up at the marker, please!" Miss Dempsey called out and the girls did as they were told.

To be honest, Sophia felt a little self-conscious wearing these workout shorts. The length wasn't the problem, just that she wasn't used to them. 

"Get ready!" Miss Dempsey yelled and all the girls crouched into position.

Sophia looked at the markers placed ahead of her. A sudden feeling came over her. A feeling that could only be described from when you bond with someone. She realised at that moment that she suddenly felt close to her mother.

"Get set!"

Sophia stared down the markers and a feeling of determination rushed through her body. She wanted to do well, she wanted to make her mother proud.


Like a bullet, Sophia shot from her position, adrenaline fuelling her body making her surge forward. Her eyes were trained solely on the markers and she didn't let anything distract her as she raced towards them full-speed. She heard someone scream behind her and she guessed that they had tripped, but she didn't look back.

Closer the markers came. Closer and closer until they zoomed past her and it took her a moment to realise she had passed them and another to come to a complete stop. She hunched over and placed her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath before looking at Miss Dempsey to see a look of disbelief on her face as she stared at her stopwatch.

After a minute, once all the times were down and the girl who had fallen had been looked after, Miss Dempsey cleared her throat. 

"Congratulations to Alice, Blair, Sally, Patricia and to our new captain who shall be ..." she paused for a moment. "Sophia, who just broke the school's track record."

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise as everyone applauded her and started patting her back. For a moment, she was in a daze as she tried to come to terms with the fact that she was a captain and, for the first time ever, a part of a team.

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