Chapter 51

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Dobey's head lifted in alert when he realised that the bike had stopped outside the house and jumped off the couch when I climbed to my feet. It took me a moment to walk to the window and I looked out to see Cole pull his black helmet off his head and rake a hand through his flattened hair. The action made him look extremely attractive.

"Is it him?" Richard asked and I jumped away from the glass when I realised I'd been staring. 

My face flushed beet red. "Uh, yes it is ... I'll just show him uh, in," I stuttered slightly and quickly moved into the small foyer, trying to steady my racing, anxious heart. 

To say I was nervous about Cole seeing me in my home was an understatement. I was petrified of what he might think of my modest abode.

"You better hold Dobey's collar," Richard warned from the living-room and I voiced my agreement, grabbing the blue leather strap around my Doberman's neck as I moved to open the door. 

Even though Dobey was friendly towards Cole in the rain, he was now in his territory, and I didn't want another doctor's bill on my hands: he'd got a hold of the postman once before. Even though he's well-trained, he is very protective of what's his.

The sight of Cole in his leather jacket never failed to make my knees weak (especially when I knew what that jacket felt like) when I saw him step up onto the porch with a kind of confidence I could only dream of having. Dobey yanked at my arm, but I tightened my grip and pulled him back into the house and out of the doorway. 

"You can come in," I said rather timidly to Cole, apprehensive of what he might think of my home.

He nodded as he stepped inside, taking a moment to look around before focusing on my whining dog. When I sensed that Dobey wasn't going to act hostile, I cautiously let him go and he bounded towards Cole. 

"No, Dobey, down!" I yelled when he jumped and almost head-butted Cole's chin.

Dobey immediately sat down next to Cole with his docked tail wagging faster than a happy lamb. Cole tentatively placed his hand on Dobey's head and gave it a scratch.

"Everything okay, Lizzy?"

I looked to see Richard enter the foyer with Amy trailing behind him. 

"Yes, everything's fine," I smiled at him, but I saw his eyes narrow when he saw Dobey happily seated at Cole's feet. 

His eyes slowly trailed upwards to connect with Cole's. "He's never acted so friendly towards a stranger before," he said and I tensed at the suspicious look he gave him. 

I started to panic, not wanting Richard to jump to conclusions.

"Oh, Dobey's just in a good mood today," I quickly said and I felt Cole's gaze lock on me. 

I avoided it and instead looked at Dobey. "Hey, boy?" I asked in a high-pitched voice as I slapped my palms on my thighs, knowing that the action made Dobey excited. "You're happy because you slept on one of my continental pillows last night, didn't you?" I spoke energetically (the complete opposite of what I was feeling) and Dobey whined as he vigorously shook his tail.

I paused when I looked up at Cole to see him staring at me with an amused look. I blushed and looked at the faded floorboards. 

"See," I muttered and gestured to Dobey, "he's excited. Well ... I-I won't keep you from practise. I'm just gonna ... yeah," I stumbled over my words and, before I could make an even bigger fool of myself, I rushed off down the hall and to my room, with Dobey not far behind me.


It had taken close to ten minutes for me to work up the courage to go back to the living room after that embarrassing moment. After all, what kind of hostess would I be if I hid away in my room the entire time? I knew it would be boring for me though, so I grabbed my tapestry that I had been working on for the last few months and slowly made my way back to the living room.

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