CH. 20 ~ Roommate

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry. It'll only itch. Just don't scratch at it and you'll be fine." I assure him rubbing some of the paste onto his skin. His hands are warm and calloused, very different from Seonghwa and Yeosang's. My father had this saying that said 'A bit of fragrance clings to the hands that gave flowers'. I can tell Woo wasn't born into nobility because of calluses and scars formed on them but even still, I have to admit, he has pretty hands.

"So, did Yeosang force you to come to me?" I speak up, interrupting my own train of thought. I didn't wanna weird them out by staring at Woo's hands.

"Well, yes but no. He was worrying about me, as per usual, and told me I should come ask you for an ointment but--,"

"That's not even the slightest bit close," Yeosang cuts him off, taking a seat next to him and crossing his legs. "You were whining about those stupid burns so I got annoyed and had to drag your loud mouth all the way over here. And I STILL haven't gotten my thank you." he complains flicking Woo's burned skin.

"OW! OK! Thank you."

"I'm sorry what was that? I didn't hear you."


"That's better," The blonde concedes, smiling contently at Woo's statement. He leans back on his arms, waiting for me to finish wrapping up Wooyoung's hands.

"Now that will teach you to not touch what you're not supposed to. You should be able to take these bandages off tomorrow and be sure to wash off all the paste when you do." I chide finishing up his bands and getting up to continue crushing eucalyptus leaves.

"Hey, no kissy to make me feel better?" He pouts looking up at me expectantly. I stand a bit in shock not really expecting him to say that.

"Aw, Little Wooyoung wants a kiss for his booboo?" Yeosang coos sarcastically, making fun of the purple-haired lookout. "Get over yourself, she's not interested in hyperactive hyenas."

"Hye- Hyena?! What makes you say that?"

"Woo," I respond, breaking up their little banter, "No offense, you're just not really my type."

"What do you mean 'not your type'? I'm everyone's type!" he declares offended. I giggle at his reaction picking up the stone mortar.

"Again, no offense," He frowns crossing his arms tightly which he later regrets because of the pressure being applied to his burns. Yeosang snickers narrowly missing one of Woo's punches. They begin another small fight meanwhile I turn around to finish my next herbal paste, taking advantage of the distraction. As I'm looking around for the last ingredient, I realize I don't have it, sticking out my lower lip in a small pout and drooping my shoulders. I guess Yeosang notices this because he calls to me bringing me out of my stupor.

"Is something wrong?" He asks. I turn to face them and see how Yeosang is pinning Woo down while the latter struggles to get out of his grasp. I mentally exhale spinning back around to double check the recipe noted in the journal.

"Um, no, I just think I'm short on an ingredient. That's all," I hear both men shift around behind me and in little to no time they're both at either side of me. Leaning over my shoulder to peer at what I'm looking at, they begin to make me squirm uncomfortably. "I can't concentrate if you guys are breathing on my neck," I mumble which they clearly catch, stepping back to give me space.

"Well, what are you making?" Wooyoung inquires.

"It's a paste to help with bronchitis and coughs. It says here that it helps loosen up phlegm so I thought it could come in handy if I made it, but it seems that I'm missing hollyhock... and apparently okra flowers too," Pressing my lips into a tight line I inspect my stock of spices and herbs to make sure I really am missing it. Unfortunately, I can't find it anywhere. "There's so many recipes here for making ointments and medicine, but I'm so limited right now because I don't have some of the ingredients listed in the journals," I complain, more to myself than to them. Yeosang picks up the journal, skimming his hands over the writing as if in nostalgia.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now