Page 26: Pursuit Over the Snow

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(Y/N's thoughts): Must be nice to have two girls interested in you.

Noelle: Oh, it's nothing. Hey, listen. A little a while ago, (Y/N) and I saw a bunch of kids heading towards the mountains. What was that about? Is there some kind of late-night festival?

Rebecca: The kids!

Gauche: I have a festival of blood planned.

Asta: [yelps]

(Y/N): Uh, why?

Sister Theresa: Stop that.

Gauche: [gasps] The hag.

Asta: Sister Granny!

Sister Theresa: This snow isn't natural. I can sense some kind of spell in it. One that controls people. But only children whose magic has not yet developed. Several of ours have disappeared as well. Why would someone be spriting all of these children away?

Gauche: Wait, crone. You lost some of yours? Marie better not have been one of them.

Sister Theresa: Unfortunately, she was.

Gauche: Damn you!

(Gauche lifts Sister Theresa.)

Sister Theresa: [yelps]

Gauche: You decrepit old fool, how could you let this happen to her?

Nun 31A: Stop, please!

Sister Theresa: So quick to resort to violence. You truly are hopeless. You can hit me if you want to, but that's going to bring them back. It won't help Marie.

Gauche: No, it won't...(cocks his fist back) but it will make me feel a hellava lot better!

(Asta takes Gauche's punch.)

Asta: [yelps]

Rebecca: Get off of him! What do you think you're doing?

Gauche: Asta. You will die.

Asta: Hey, now, why don't we stop for a second to take a deep breath and cool off a little bit!

(Asta hits Gauche causing Gauche to fall forwards.)

Asta: We're Magic Knights, after all. We must learn to remain calm. You got it?

Imaginary Fuegoleon: You must learn to remain calm.

Sister Theresa: Well done. I like this boy.

Gauche: (starts to get up) Calm, huh? All right, then.

Asta: I knew you'd come around!

Gauche: I'll kill you very calmly.

Asta: That's not what I meant!

(Gauche begins to stomp into Asta.)

Gauche: That's right, brat, I'm going to make it hurt.

Asta: No, please, stop! We're wasting time! We have to start looking for clues!

Gauche: Oh, yeah! Like it's going to be that easy. I told Marie to keep her magic mirror with her at all times. The snow will interfere with Transmission magic, but if we track down the mana from the mirror, then we should be able to find her!

Asta: There, ya see!

Gauche: Fine, you were right! But don't think for a second that's gonna keep me from stomping the life out of you, maggot!

Sister Theresa: I'll come, too. The church's children are my responsibility.

Asta: Thanks, Sister, but maybe you should let us handle it.

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