"It's like I've never bought you flowers." He mutters making me look up.

"Huh? Don't be silly, you bought me some before."

His eyes shift onto the bouquet and I'm sure I see them narrow before he turns back to his food.

"Aaron was just being sweet and you heard Billy, he ate the grapes."

"Could have ate them instead." He says as I pick them up and head out the kitchen.

My man was feeling a little jealous, maybe it's because Aaron has never bought him flowers before?  I laugh quietly at the thought before heading back to see him.

"I can sense some jealously." I tell him.


"Well listen." I tell him, walking over and slipping onto his lap. "You've given me a present that's not only precious but priceless. So stop being a sour puss."

He grumbles something as he nuzzles into my neck. Figuring he's going to be in one of those odd moods today, I give him a hug before carting him off to work out the way.


Do you know what I love?

The sun streaming through the windows, bathing me in warmth, whilst I sit on the couch reading with the sound of the waterfall from the pool.

Gracie is led out enjoying the heat, occasionally moving when she gets too hot.

I'm 17 chapters deep into a book  and have no need for wanting to stop.

When the door goes and I have to put my phone inside the book to stop me from losing the page. Just getting to a good bit as well..

Making sure Gracie is behind me, I open the door cautiously to see a guy at the door and not behind the gate. Zak must have forgotten to lock it up.

"Hi." I smile cautiously.

"Morning. Delivery for Elle?" He says looking at me.

"That's me." I haven't ordered anything and feel my hands get a little clammy at the thought. Maybe Zak had ordered something for the museum or ordered me more books?

I step out to retrieve the parcel when I'm handed a larger than life bouquet of flowers.

"Holy crap."

The delivery man laughs. "Pretty big aren't they? You must mean a lot to someone. Have a good day."

With that he leaves and I'm left to navigate myself back into the house with an armful.

Setting them down on the kitchen island, I pluck up the card and know instantly who they are from.

- I'm only a jealous man when it comes to you. Z x

My heart does a silly flip and flop as I stare at them, beautiful, healthy and full of colour. There's lilies, germini, roses and small daisies.

I carry them into the lounge and pull my phone from the book to text Zak, asking him to ring me when he's available, not wanting to disturb him from work or interrupt him being the haunting museum owner that he is. I take a big inhale of them before sitting back.

My eyes can't stop staring at them and with a heavy sigh, I pick up the book and begin reading, whilst eyeing the flowers over the top.

Chapter 18.

The door bell goes again and I grab it, only to be given another bouquet.

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