Chapter 24

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I wake up in the morning and head to the bathroom and get ready for the day. I was in the bath before I feel like I was gonna have a heart attack as Sandra walks in and heads to the mirror, we have some small talk before I dress and and wake the boys "wakey wakey eggs and bakey" I say loudly opening the curtains I hear them groan and the some thuds on the floor.

"Alright boys bathrooms over there now get ready so we can go eat" I tell them and walk out I sit in the lounge with Sandra as we wait. It wasnt long before they come out and with bed hair Sandra and I look at each other before we summon a brush and brush out the knots and then let them do the rest.

By the time we leave its still early so we take our time walking to the cafeteria, "so how much longer untill we start classes" I ask out loud "we start them tomorrow but first we are gonna be given a test I hear that the test will determine who well be selected for the first years student counsel" Felix explained "wow" the rest of us say. We look at each other before we laugh we make it the cafeteria and order our food before finding our seats.

We eat before we decide to walk around the campus to get, as we walk we have alight chatter untill it is disturbed tripping in front of us we stop and suddenly everyone is looking at us. We look down and see Irene god fucken dammit does she have nothing better to do. "Who are you girl to suddenly be on the floor the moment we come near you, did you trip on a pebble or where you not watching where you were going" Aalim and Aqail said together.

I see Irene cry I sigh mentally "I'm sorry I wasnt looking at where I was looking and trip I'm really sorry" Irene cried out, hmmm so you want to play the victim alright "oh dont mind the comment I'm sure it was an accident come now dry those tears and stand up whats the use of staying on the floor it wont help you feel better"I say as I give her my glove covered hand, but she slaps it away. Yes I smirk in my mind and force tears to my eyes and make it seem as she hit me hard and stumble back having Felix catching me.

A young noble women from the crowd speaks out "lady Irene what is the meaning of this disrespectful behavior to Crown Princess Adelia she was only trying to help you yet you reject it by doing this!" she cried out making Irene flush red.

"No I meant no disrespect I-i was just reminded of our childhood together" Irene studered out making everyone look suspicious, hmmmmm smart girl but not smart enough I know how to make this worse for you. I cry gentle sobs "I-Irene how could say that I cared about you, I still remember when we were just little and you asked for one of my favorite dresses I remember how your eyes sparkled in glee when I gifted it to you because I new it would make you happy, yet we only spent a year of it together since I spent the reminder of our childhood at my family estate. I remember such fond memories I remember how I would spoil you by giving you what of mine you desired like my jewelry and dresses, o-oh I'm sorry I'm rambling never mind its fine lets forget alright" I say with a gentle smile as I dry my tears.

I make a move to walk away but stop as someone screams out "pleas wait Lady Adelia as I heard how you wish to forget this lady Irene still needs to apologize it only proper" a young noble man said. Now everyone looks at Irene "I'm sorry Adelia" Irene said looking down I walk to her and crouch down "oh Irene you silly child its alright I dont wish for conflict so lets puts this behind us alright, now if everyone can excuse us we still have matters to attend to so good day" I say getting up as we walk away to the headmasters office.

Once there we have tea "now I'm sure your wondering why I have asked you come here" headmaster Griffin said we nod.

"Yes well I saw how you requested to take the test before coming to the Academy and I saw your scores which were out standing, so I made my choice Lady Adelia and Prince Felix you will be in charge of the first year student counsel, Lady Sandra, Prince Aqail and Aqlim is that fine with you" Headmaster Griffin said to us I set my cup down with a smile "Headmaster Griffin this is such an honer and we will gladly accept it we will do our best during our coming years here" I tell him and Felix stands up and shakes his hand.

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