Chapter 1

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This is it I thought as I lay on the dirty floor of my cell as I slowly die. Why couldn't I be loved just like Irene was. Why couldn't father love me the way he did with Irene. All I ever wanted was to be loved like my mama loved me back when she lived. Soon. I'll be with you soon mama wait for me I'm coming. I thought as I took my final breath. I open my eyes and see I'm floating in a black void with nothing around me. "Hello child how are you" a feminine yet soothing voice says as I look around see were the voice is coming from "worry not child for I have seen the pain you have suffered and why you acted the way you did, You have died and so I have brought you to my domaine. I am here to tell you that I'll give you a second chance at life so you can live a happy one" the voice says and as it starts to fade as I black out.

I open my eyes and see I'm back in my old room I walk to a mirror and look at my reflection to see six year old me a year before my mama fell sick and died. The year I meet Felix. Sigh. I go to the bathroom and ready for the day with my mother going to enjoy every moment we have together.

I go out my room to the dining room where my mama is "good morning mama" I say with a bright smile and she returned it we sit down and eat untill mother starts my lessons and I finished them with no problem having remember everything from the past so we finished early.

"Mama can we go in the kitchen and make some cookies please" I ask she thinks for a minute before she smiles "of course baby, On ward to the kitchen" she yells and points to the kitchen direction I laugh and also scream and we run of to the kitchen and enjoy our time making the dough and then the yummy frosting. Lastly we decorate them before eating them with the maids since we made a lot. All that you hear from the kitchen was laughing from every one. I relishes in the love and joy in the air knowing it wont last long before 'that' happens.

"Alright my nightingale its time for bed" mama says as she gets me ready and lays down with me and starts to sing my lullaby. I fall asleep with a smile on my face with my mama soft voice putting me to sleep.

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