Chapter 15

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I sigh loudly as Atticus and I stand at the edge of the Amaryllis family territory right its morning but it's still dark so we'll make it by day. As I was lost in thought Atticus pulled me out of it by holding my hand "hey it's ok I'm here for you I am not leaving your side" Atticus say softly bring me comfort I nod and tightly hold his hand and we being walking, as we walk I start to get a tiny bit giddy for this is the begin of my new life in my second chance and I'ma make the most out of it but then I start to feel nerves.

Atticus seems to notice he stops and looks at me that when I hear music and notice its coming from Atticus.

As he sing he pulls me along we spin we jump we run. I've never felt so free by the time he finishes I'm grinning ear to ear all my worries washed away. I hug Atticus and continue walking."So how do you things will be when you meet your family Adelia" Atticus asked me I shrug "I don't know but what I do know that if the possibility were to come that they don't want me then we'll travel the world together and make a life of our own" I say looking at the sky and see the sun is coming up I stop just to look at it Amir and Atticus following my lead before we continue on our way.


I watch the kids as they head toward the estate and how the boy started singing I was about to go out and stop them untill I hear that the girl is from the Amarillys  family.Hmmmmm at the pace there going they'll make it by noon so I need to hurry and inform the madam and lord of this so I go off into the night leaving the kids alone.

*Time Skip*


By the time we make it there seemed to be a butler waiting for us he gestures us to follow him and we do. He leads us to a nice siting room where he leave us, we site in silence untill and man and women come in who I assume is my aunt and uncle the head of the family "hello children I would like to know why you are on my property" the man says

"I'm here for a better life and he is my companion" I say "and how will your life be better" he says I sigh "I am Adelia Blair I am the one who sent my mother Marianna to you not to long ago and I came to escape my horrible life with my father" I say as confidently as I can "should you not believe me I have proof my lavender blue eyes that only amaryllis members have and my mother's locket" I say taking it off and showing them. There eyes widen before the lady starts to cry and the man shaking before I'm pulled into a jug I slowly hug back patting them on the back since there the ones crying next thing I know I'm pulled into my aunt's bosom "oh Adelia you poor sweet baby" she says as she hold me tight I slowly loose air "c-cant b-breath" I mange to say that's when uncle pulls me from her "oh Adelia I know this might be hard but can you please tell us what happened" uncle says.

I stay quiet feeling nervous that's when Atticus holds my hand making me feel better. I take a breath and tell all that's been going on in my life from meeting Felix to my mother dieing to Adam coming back to the mansion to how I've been treated by Adam and Irene. By the time I finished uncle is shaking with rage along with my aunt "that bastard I should have him killed for this!!!" Uncle screams

"Uncle pleas wait instead of that I have a better idea so pleas listen" I tell him looking at him with sad eyes that make him clam down he nods at me so I take that as continue "well instead of killing him why don't you take what he values most" I say "and that would be" my aunt asked "the little political power you gave him along with the money you send him each month that will surely make him suffer it will also put a strain him because in society he will be looked down apon because he no longer has your support and he'll go back to being a lowly noble" I say looking at them. My uncle nods looking proud "oh my dear Adelia you make the Amarillys family proud your just like your mother I knew who you were the moment I saw you I'll say this now this your family and this is your home you are always welcomed here" uncle said I smile "now that that's over you two need a bath come I'll have the maids prepare you one along with clothes your uncle the gather the family meanwhile" aunty says as we follow. She leads us throu the house untill we come to this room that has a giant pool that has steaming water "this is the family bathroom wear we come to relax or bath now put these towels on and get in the water so the maids can help" she say we do as told and step into the water but Atticus makes sure to look away and I smile at that. Soon the maids come and help bath us and I must say it feels nice I hear Atticus sigh I turn to look at him and see him relaxed leaning on the edge with the maid washing his hair.

*Time Skip*

By the time we finished Atticus and I are in matching blue outfits with my hair in a braid we walk to the room holding my family. I enter expecting having to explain instead Im greeted with a "welcome home" from everyone I look around and see familiar faces from my family and get hugged by everyone even by the cousin who don't know me after a few moment I go grab Atticus hand and led him over to my family "Atticus I want you to meet my family this is my uncle Kairo, Waston, Kenzo, Dakari, kylo, Liam, Noah, William, James, and Benjimen, lasty of all the siblings my aunt Rosa, Lilliana, Mary-ann they are from the main branch family but trust me there's more, everyone this a my good friend and companion during my travel Atticus" I say  they all nod in welcome.

After a while we are showed to a room to rest before dinner I heard one of my aunts say something about a feast. "So what now that you found your family" Atticus asked "well just because I found my family doesn't mean you'll leave your gonna stay here with us I'm sure when nanny gets here she won't mind taking you in" I tell him he looks at me and starts to cry so I hug him untill he finished by the time he's done it's dinner time we head down and eat a grand feast letting our worries slip away.

The next day is when nanny and Alfred arrived the reason I knew is because I was woken up in a death hug by them along with there crying. When that was finished I introduced them Atticus and explain his situation it was in that moment that nanny gave him a hug while shouting "oh you poor thing no one should go through that" it was then that Alfred decided to say something "Atticus I know we just meet and you don't know us but my wife and I have taken a liking to we know that you are a good child so would you give us let us adopt you" Alfred said and at that moment Atticus broke down crying and they all hug as Atticus stuttered out that he accept.

As I watch I let out a few tears because this is hart warming after a few moments nanny and Alfred leave to get the papers ready. The moment the doors closes I'm tackled into a hug by Atticus it's silent for a moment before he starts to talk "thank you even if we've known each other only for a few day yet you've done so much you were my first friend made sure I wasn't alone and even helped me find a family that will love me for me" I look at him and wipe his tears "come now no more tears now lets head outside wear our new friends" say as I lead him outside to a happy start of our life's.

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