Chapter 7

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I sit up in my bed rubbing my eyes remembering how much fun yesterday was, I stretch when I fell something around my waist I look down and see Felix oh that's right they stayed the night and like always Felix slept in my room I sigh and get up putting my robe on in the process and head to the bathroom were I wash my face and do my business. When I come out Felix looks at me with a smile and enters the bathroom next I shrug it and get dressed for the day.


I smile as I see Adelia come out the bathroom I was awake when she awoke. I think about what just happen it seemed like we were really a married couple. Oh I cant wait for that day to come. Hehehehehehehe...

Adelia (pov)

After we're both dressed we head to the dining room and eat breakfast but after Felix and his parents have to leave after.

When there gone I go to the stable to see my new horse. Getting there I see the stable workers are having a hard time trying to put the bridle on I giggle and they all look at me. That's when the horse comes up to me looking me in the eye I do the same and walk to him meeting him half way.

We have a stare off with each other untill the perfect name comes to mind so I reach up and pet him head "your name will be Amir"  I tell him. He seems to think this through until he gently put his head against my chest I continue to pet him untill I lead him to the pasture out side. Where the moment he's inside he run like wild.

After that I go to my room where I look into my piggy bank which is the shape of a lion and open it and let the coins fall out along with another jar I had hidden. Once all was counted all together I had 200 gold coins which is a lot but its more then enough to get through my journey to my family on my mothers side.

Im sad knowing that. I cant prevent her sickness it cant because I tried preventing it my last life I did everything in power to get her the best doctor's around but none of them could do anything. *sigh* only a few more months left before she gets seriously ill.

Wait thinking back to my old life I notice that Irene was quite greedy because whatever I had of my own she wanted and had fathe- no Adam take it away from me be it jewelry, shoes, or a dress.
The one thing that I didn't let go and fought for was the locket my mother left me that had her family crest on the front.

*flash back*

"Oh my what a beautiful locket can I have it Adelia" Irene asks me with her hand held to her chest I look at her with cold eyes "no Irene you may not have it" I tell her coldly, her eyes tear up and she runs off to who knows where leavening me with nanny and my maids as eye witness.

A while later I'm reading with nanny and my maids still in the room when the doors of my room burst open "Adelia how can you be so selfish to your younger sister just give her the locket!!!!" Adam said screaming with Irene behind him and I see her smirking Adam makes a move of coming to take off the locket when my magic activated creating a wall between myself and him which also sent a blast to him getting him off guard

"No father I will not give her my locket for if you paid more attention this locket your trying to take belonged to MY MOTHER I HAVE IT BECOME IT BELONGED TO HER FAMILY AND LAST I CHECKED IRENE ISN'T RELATED TO HER OR ANY OF US!!" I finish off screaming my magic cracked around me Adam looked at me with rage in his eyes "also should you insult her or have the nerve to ever hit me I'll send my family a letter letting then know whats going on and I'll have them take away what little political power they gave along with money away" I finish off with me standing tall and my eyes looking at him with a shadow cast over them.

He grits his teeth in rage and gets up from his kneeling position and walks over to Irene picks her up and walks away "come Irene you dont need that old thing daddy will get you a better one" Adam said and Irene was looking at me over his shoulder with a glare. I glare back and shut the doors with my magic.

Irene(pov)  ( wow shocker 😲 lets see what the brat has to say)

'Tch. I couldn't get the locket dam it!! If I had it I could have used it to my advantage and have more power pretending that I belonged to that family and not stupid Adelia' ( Girl you should do a double check on who's stupid cause I'm sure its you right now)

*flash back over*

Well no matter cause after a few months of Adam being back in the mansion with his concubine I'll leave and head to my family.

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