Chapter 51:Uncovering the traitor

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Everything was coming into focus no, timing was the key like in a country song you have know to fold and when talk away when the dealing done. But she wasn't to going walk away from this fight no chance in hell of that happening. If Kenton and Clayton wanted a war they were going to get one that couldn't win.

A few minutes later her burner buzzed in the bottom drawer of her desk. She reached down as she pulled open the bottom drawer of her grabbing her burner from underneath a folder.It had to be the agent she had sent to Pamana to look into offshore bank account,hopley he had come through for her on it. When she had being an field agent she had heard stories about the black market but one of them could be proven. But she knew different and had strange feeling that it did exist.

She clicked on the accept button on her burner seeing that it was unknown number. This was the moment she had been waiting for.

"What did you find out about the offshore bank account, Did you have convince the bank owner to help or did he do willingly," Director Hamilton asked.

"The offshore accounts belongs to Section chief Clayton as you suspected. The banker owner refused to help so I had convince that it was a matter of the national security," The agent said.

" Listen I would I get out of Panama right away you never know if Clayton or Kenton had someone survellaining there,"Director Hamilton told him.

"Don't worry Madame Director I will be careful," The agent replied. 

Director Hamilton ended the conversation on her burner as she placed down on her desk considering her moves what to next. She knew he would deny involvement in setting up Summer formurder of course, that was nothing new. He was playing a verydangerous game a one that he was about to loose in. 

She picked up her phone on her desk and punched in the number for Section chief Clayton in his office that was on also the eleventh floor.Section Chief Clayton picked up the phone on his seeing that the number was Director Hamilton office.

This was not good at all

He thought

What she possibility know even if she did find out about his offshore bank account. There was no way she prove that he was working for Kenton?


He told himself stay clam and very well be ok.

"Madame Director, What I can do for you," Clayton asked.

"Clayton, I need to see you in my right away about something urgent," Director Hamilton said in calm authoritative voice.

"What could be so urgent Madame Director, that you see need to see me right away," Clayton questioned in a worried voice.

"Lets's just say, I Know that you working for Kenton and that you set up Summer for murder. And that your a traitor," Director Hamilton snapped in angry but authoritative tone.

"Okay I will be right over to see you, and we can sort out this whole mess you know nothing about," Clayton said in harsh voice.

He ended the conversation on the phone in his office trying to figure out what to say to convince her that he was not a traitor at all but a patriot. And if that didn't work well there was always a back up plan. He rose where he was sitting at his desk, strolled out office, down the corridor to Director Hamilton office.

He knocked on the door before he entered into her office. Director Hamilton gestured for him to enter and did he. He walked over to the desk where she was sitting. She motionedfor him sit down in the chair across from her desk.

He saw the expression on her face was taciturn and serious. It had all come down to this just maybe she would listen to his side of the story and why he had decided to work for Kenton. But knowing her she wouldn't?

Director Hamilton rose from her desk where she was sitting, walked to front of it facing her Section chief, and choosing her words carefully.

"Clayton, you disappoint me here I trusted you as, my section chief and you betray me by setting up Summer for murder and working for Kenton. You're a goddamn traitor," Director Hamilton said in demanding tone.

"Madame Director, You got it all wrong your the traitor here you and your Alpha group are finished," Clayton snapped in angry tone.

"That's where you are wrong Clayton, Your the one who is finished not me. I have proof thar you are working forKenton as his mole and that did you indeed set Summer forthe murder of Shane Howard,"Director said in demanding tone.

"I assure you Madame Director I have no knowledge of any of that what your talking about," Clayton replied.

"I knew that you would deny any of Clayton, so you see I dispatched one of my other agents to Pamanna to look into youroffshore bank account and I know that Kenton wired Twelve million dollars into your offshore bank account, and that you made a bunch of calls to Kenton's Private gallery," DirectorHamilton said in demanding tone

"Your making a big mistake Madame Director, I know about the white Knights and Rogue that you used as your private military to kill those terrorist in Afghanistan," Clayton scowled in harsh tone.

She walked back behind her and sat down in the chair behind it. Five minutes later two counter intelligence agents entered her office,strolling over to the chair where Clayton was sitting.

"You will be taken to a black site where you will be interrogated by our agents to see what they find out yourdealings with Kenton?" Director Hamilton told him.

 They gestured for him to get up,he didn't so they grabbed him out of the chair and put black bag over his head. They escorted him out of the office, strolling down to the elevator. The agent pushed the button and waited.

The doors slid open as they stepped with him. All they knew was that he was traitor who had sold out his country that was it. They had cleared instructions from Director Hamilton to take him a black site in a foreign country where he would be

Interrogated by the CIA interrogator there. The doors opened on the underground garage where a black van was waiting for them. They strolled out,marched over to the van. The agent grabbed the door and tossed as they dragged Clayton into the van, and closed the door drving  out of the underground garage  on their way to Ronald Regean International Airport where a  aircraft waited at a hangar to take the prisoner to a black site.

1863  words in chapter

The Merchant of the Black Market, A Lex Jackson thriller: Book twoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang