Episode IX: Second Coming

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This new body of mine felt strange, I looked in the reflection and I didn't see what I knew for the past 18 years. I saw someone else, someone frightening and otherworldly.

I was covered in scar-like tattoos and symbols consisting of pentagrams and strange symbols. All physical ills I felt before had vanished, I had a mild headache prior to coming here, now it's all gone, my bad shoulder has full movement again and I no longer feel off. In fact, I felt amazing. Like a freshly made man. Just like one of my Japanese anime's.

But now one question remained when would I get to go home? If at all? I mean, sure I will. What kind of absurd thought was that, not being able to go home. Why would Phoenix do that to me? That's just ridiculous.

That's when I realized, now that I had this new body, I didn't feel anxious, scared or anything like that. My emotions felt level, which was new for me since I was often having an anxiety attack.
I felt almost perfect, like not a care in the world and everything was going to be okay. Unlike before where I constantly thought the world was ending.

It was then my door started knocking. "Alex?" A familiar voice came through. The door opened to reveal Phoenix.

"Alex? How are you feeling?"

How was I feeling? That question took me a moment to process. I looked down at myself, my hands where bigger, rough and tough-looking, I was taller and looked a bit older than I was before. "If I'm being completely honest, I'm not sure how I feel. It's a mix of wonder, confusion and....mystery." I said clenching my hands to get a feel for them. 

"I see. It will take some getting used to. But, I'm glad you've transitioned well. I have one last thing to give you." She said. Raising her hand above her waist, a red light began to flicker extending to the floor and with the crash of thunder, a long sword appeared. It looked to be from the dark ages of England. One of the swords a king would use in battle.

"This sword here was forged in 477 by loyal monks. Designed for the purgatory walker when he requested a blade. It has since been passed down from each one of them. It's earned the name Red Wedding. And it's my duty to pass it down to you. As it was heavens job when the last Walker lived. Please kneel." 

I got off the slab and knelt on one knee. 

"Please lower your head."

I lowered my head, my hair flopping into my eyes.

She took the blade with a clang of metal. Tapping it against one shoulder, then the other.

"By tradition of the Purgatory Walkers, I hereby Knight thee into the ranks of hell. You are now under my command. And you will be from now until death, whatever it takes, whatever the cause. You will follow. Do you accept, or refuse?"

I looked up. Staring her right in the eyes. "I accept," I said with pride. My voice carrying around the room. 

"Good. You may stand. Also, one more thing, we will be returning to the human world soon. As time progresses differently here, it's been around six months since your first limbo encounter there. While it's only been about four days down here."

"Six months?! Fuck I'll have to redo the whole grade!" I said in a panic. Phoenix laughed.

"No-no-no. See, Limbo can manifest in different ways, the angels in the battle you saw accidentally destroyed most of the school, that manifested as an earthquake, schools been out since then. So you didn't miss a thing." She said chucking to herself. "Besides I have to go back too. So do Sophia, Dante and Charlotte. And there's one more person I want you to meet. But we'll wait until then. You'll be sent back to the human world tomorrow in time for school. I'll meet you there. We've pulled a few strings so in all your classes you're with at least one of us. Just in case something goes wrong."


The next day. 

I looked up at the newly rebuilt school. It was much cleaner and had that brand-new feel to it. A sign hung above the door reading "Welcome Back Students!" In Japanese. 

'Can you hear me?' I heard Phoenix's voice out of nowhere. 

'Don't panic Alex, it's me. This is our way of communicating, nobody else can hear us. If we have to reach you, this is how we'll do it. Your new body can process foreign languages in one you can understand, so everything you see in a different language will be immediately translated to you. How do you think I spelt my name in perfect Japanese? hehe.'

'So can anyone hear me talking to you?'

'No. Think of it as a closed frequency radio through the mind. Nobody can or ever will intercept, decode or interfere with our conversations.' 

'Okay good, so I won't look like a total freak talking to myself.''

'Exactly, we've thought of everything. I'll see you in class. Be safe.'


'Dante here, keep an eye out tonight. I'm hearing whispers of an old man wandering the streets. From what I've gathered it sounds like Mauthaczar.' I heard a man's voice.

'Good work Dante. Alex stay with Phoenix, Mauthaczar is an assassin from an ancient demon cult that's tried to overthrow the Lucifer family for generations.' Sophia replied. 

'As much as I can look after myself Sophie, you're right. Alex, your first assignment begins tonight after sundown, we'll draw him out. I want you to test your new abilities. Once we've taken him down, we'll interrogate him, then kill him.' Phoenix said in a stern voice.

'Wait, an old man? Could he be the same man I ran into before?' I asked.

'It's likely. Sounds an awful lot like him to go after a Purgatory Walker...'

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