Episode I: Zero To Deadman

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The following is an -OmegaZero- original. Any real locations included are simply for authenticity. The following book is inspired by High School DXD & Tokyo Ghoul. Thank you for reading.


Tuesday, April 14th, 2021,

5:45 pm JPT

Tokyo Japan, Meguro City


Alex Webber


I'm the type of man that believes in hard work. Even if I have to work green in the face, and dying from illness. My name is Alex Webber, I am 18 years old. I've transferred from Great Falls Montana to Tokyo due to my parents finding international work in finance. My mother and father are now high-ranking members of an international company. As for me, I work at Seirinkan. It's a smaller, cozy restaurant, and I have been working here since around six months ago. My boss's name is Albert Saito. He's a good man. The kind of guy who wants things done right the first time, and if something isn't up to his standards he won't hesitate to remind you how he wants it done. That's why I respect him. He doesn't beat around the bush like a lot of employers. If he has to, he'll put the fear of God in you with the might of a thousand hammers, like an orc out of World Of Warcraft or something like that.

I do consider myself a gamer, have been gaming since I was six years old. My first gaming system was a GameBoy advance SP. Mario Kart Super Circuit was my favourite on that little clam. I currently am an Xbox user, decided to stick with what I owned, even if Xbox isn't all that popular in Japan, and frankly never was. I have better things to do than blow another  49k yen ($600 Canadian) on another system just to appeal to the trend. I prefer not to let society dictate what's cool to me. After all, the world is as ass backwards as it is. With all the SJW, Cult of Outrage and Political Correctness crap that's going around, I think it's best to keep my individuality if you ask me.

I go to Roppongi High in Minato city. Another section in Tokyo, yeah two different districts. Mom doesn't want me going to a private school, and honestly, I agree. It's overrated. I get around by subway and tram, which to put it mildly, is about as spacious as a mosh-pit where each participant is cracked out of their minds. Yeah, it's bad. We've got people of all kinds at that school, the ditsy dumb blondes, smart mouths, bad boys, emo's European transfers, you name it. I kind of stick out for being tall, and that I can just barely speak the language. But I'm trying.

My shift had just ended and I was on my way home. I work two hours before opening and until close, so that's 9:30 until about 6:00, a solid 9-hour shift. The reason for the long shift was because the school was closed that day due to renovations, and they should be done by tomorrow in time for classes. I got on the ever-so-crowded subway and compressed my body to allow myself to fit in the sea of people. I bet you $20 one of these people was a pervert just waiting to strike. I read online that subways are often where that happens. I may be a dude, but I like to be informed of the risks of the city. To me it doesn't tarnish my experience of the city, instead, it makes me feel educated. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

There were rumours that we were getting an influx of European students, hopefully, English-speaking. I'd rather not have to do an interpretive fucking dance just to get a word in edgewise. These kids were said to be between the ages of 16 and 18, from places like Germany, Norway, Romania, Sweden and Finland. So, it's doubtful they'd speak English but it's worth a try nonetheless. I looked around at the people next to me, businessmen, the elderly, children, everything. There was this smelly old bum standing next to me. By the sour milk stench of him, he hadn't showered in a fucking year.

On subways, talking on cellphones was discouraged, if need be, a conductor would straight up take your phone until the next stop. Finally, my stop came, I rustled through the crowd to get away from that rotting smell as much as possible.

As it got dark, not a soul was around. Almost kind of creepy, with nothing but the bright blue, LED street lights to keep me company. My footsteps echoed across the streets left and right. Not a car, not a person, not even indoor noises or a dog barking. I looked at the time. 8:47 PM, I did live a long distance, a good exercise I guess. Even if the walks home were just a little creepy. Almost like a scene from the walking dead.

"Dollar for the blind!" A voice called out. I looked around left and right. I didn't see anyone. Turning back in my direction I was going, a man was right in my face, his hair scraggly and grey with a beard, his eyes snow white and soulless. "Dollar for the blind?" He said holding out a mug. I reached in my pocket dropping around 150 yen in, ($1.80CAD) "Your kindness knows no bounds, for that is true, but beware, for being naive with revealing a much-undesired truth to you." He said in a sinister tone.

"Uh...thanks..?" I said walking away.

Little did I realize when I walked away, he gave a sinister smile and said. "Mauthaczar reporting, we found one..."

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