Chapter 22 - The Bonfire

Start from the beginning

"You care too much about what people think,"

Afterwards, Alejandro started getting his dressed again. Cammie sat up, the blanket almost exposing her bare chest until she covered herself again, "I hate when you just leave afterwards like that," she put her glasses back on, "-it makes me feel like you only came over for sex."

"That's exactly what I came over here for because that's all you are willing to give me. You don't want to be together publically so I have to settle my feelings somehow," he told her and Cammie rushed to get dressed and he watched her. She was upset but satisfied.

Alejandro stretched his hand out, "Hold my hand," he told her.

Cammie started at it and then took it cautiously, "Where are we going?" she asked him.

"To watch some tv," he said and left the room. Cammie looked around, "Stop looking for a reason to let go of my hand. If you really cared about me then you wouldn't want to let go,"

Cammie swallowed and continued to the common room and they sat down on the couch. Two other people were in there playing a card game. Alejandro surfed through channels with his arm around Cammie. She saw a group of people walking in, talking loudly and moved away but Alejandro pulled her back, kissing her on the lips making sure that people saw them.

Cammie didn't know what to say when he pulled away and just stared, hearing the news anchorman in the background.

"Victor Wellington is released from prison after serving barely 2 years,"

"Alejandro listen," Cammie turned it up but it went to the next topic, "Raoul McDufy is arrested Tuesday night at a hospital in New Jersey. He says he was going to visit-" Cammie heard but jerked.

She was now in her bedroom, around two in the morning. She looked around, feeling her hair and her skin and blinking multiple times, "It was a dream,' she said to herself as she felt to the side of the bed for Kash who wasn't there.

"I wonder if this is a vision or just me being worried," she rubbed her head and realized that the phone was ringing.

She picked it up, "Slim. Oh my gosh I needed you where were you?" she asked him. She then remembered that she had to act like she didn't know he was missing.

"I heard there was a black out," she told him.

"Yeah I was spending some time with Jacie," Slim lied.

"You were-" Cammie was about to say.

"What's going on with you? You sound stressed," Slim cut her off.

"Uhg-where to begin. My dad is sick and just told me about it and then Kash is just so-" Cammie balled her hands up in a fist, "Slim you know how much I can't stand him. And he had the nerve to call me a b-word," she complained.

"Okay first of all you are kind of a bitch_," Slim said.

"Okay, okay I know but Carol Anne was being one too," Cammie said because she didn't want to hear what she already knows,

"Well, you did kind of cut her loose for Price and Kash especially," Slim replied.

"You think she has feelings for me?" Cammie fiddled with the sheet.

"I don't know. That's something you have to ask her," Slim sighed.

"Well then again she was mad about something so maybe that's why she acted that way," Cammie shrugged.

"Why was she mad?" Slim asked and Cammie remembered she couldn't mention the notes. Just then, she heard the front door and knew it was Kash.

"Slim I will talk to you later," she rushed him off of the phone and then pretended to sleep. Kash stretched as he reached the door of the room and came in, getting a pillow and a blanket. He stared at Cammie for a while. He brushed her hair back slowly. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

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