Chapter 47: Never Ending

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Throughout the years I slowly healed from the damage caused by the fire, all I was left with was some burns on my arm and some scars.

Over time I became paranoid thinking Noah was going to show up and hurt my family. He had already taken so much so I started to see a counselor.

Burying my dad and Jace was one of the hardest days of my life, saying goodbye to them was so painful. My dad didn't deserve any of this, it was the reason why he left that life and I had dragged him into it.

Jace was and still is my best friend, just like Lily is. They will forever be in my heart, and I made sure that my children knew about the three of them.

Not long after everything happened I fell pregnant with Hunter Jace, named after my best friend, the man who saved mine and Callum's life. In honor of him I learnt Spanish properly and taught my kids too, but Xavier refused saying there's no point.

Our marriage was going so well until his obsession with finding a new mafia that had just appeared out of the blue. No one knows who they are but they aren't causing any harm, Xavier just doesn't like the thought of somebody else becoming more powerful than our mafia.

Our children don't know about my past and I hate lying to them, at first I understood why we shouldn't tell them because they were just kids. Mila and Hunter are now teenagers and deserve to know but Xavier forbids it, he does want either of our sons to know.

We have another who's only eight years old named Jackson, but since having him Xavier has become cold. He's never home, always away doing business. I want us to work for the boy's sake but there's only so much one person can take.

West finally told me that my uncle had a grudge against him and his family. It's pathetic really but apparently he was in love with West's mother who ended up falling for his father. Harry didn't like this and ended up killing them in rage, meaning West didn't kill them. Then when he found out West had become close to me he used that to hurt West threatening my life and then he found out Noah was his son who wanted to take over my spot. Power and greed can make people doing unforgivable things.

15 years later.

"Where's Xavier?" Miles asked me as he entered the kitchen with his wife Isobel.

I was preparing the kids for their dinner before they came home from school. Placing the vegetables inside the pan I spun to the side to see my brother with an annoyed expression.

"He's left again hasn't he?"

"Please don't start in case Mila, Hunter, and Jackson come home to hear you screaming about him again. They nearly found out last time," I sat at the dining table to resume my search.

Miles was pacing back and forth as he kept glancing at me and then towards Isobel who was already sat at the table in silence.

"Babe can you just keep a watch out for the kids whilst I speak to Hope," The chair scraped back and she left the room just after giving my shoulder a light squeeze, then a kiss on my brother's cheek.

He had now taken her place and slammed my laptop shut, "I was typing."

"Well, now you're not," He answered back with a scowl.

"You're as bad as West."

"At least he cares about you, more than I can say about that husband of yours who pisses of every chance he gets leaving you with three children. You're either being a parent or worrying about Noah being alive. Don't you think he would have shown his face by now after fifteen years."

I took his hand in mine to calm him down, "You'll get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that," I prodded his forehead, "I just have a really bad feeling that he survived and so does Callum. That's why he left without telling me, it's been years since I've seen him... " I looked down to avoid his stare.

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