Chapter 46: Heartache

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My body was numb.

I was surrounded by darkness but I could hear the agonising screams of men burning alive. The feeling of the blazing heat licked up the walls in fury. My skin was heating up by the minute but I couldn't move although I knew I was still alive.


How the hell am I alive?

My eyes shot open which was a big mistake, there was a man in front of me, his flesh was peeling away and his bloodshot eyes were staring at me. All I could see was fear and pain in them but I couldn't move away from the body that was slowly decaying. My legs were trapped underneath a piece of the ceiling that had collapsed from the explosion making it impossible to move.

The more I tried to pull myself free and I pushed at the same time the louder my screams became. My left arm was covered in burns making me feel sick to my stomach, the smell of flesh invaded my nostrils forcing me to throw up. I could see the fire steadily creeping up to me, the smoke invading my lungs making it unbearable to breathe, I felt like I was slowly suffocating.

After a few more attempts I managed to escape, my legs were covered in blood and my whole body started to shake from pain. It literally lit my body on fire and I was struggling to block it out.

A figure caught my eye from across the room near the corridor and then disappeared.

I'm seeing things now.

I knew I was going to die, sometimes we had to make sacrifices to save the people we love, and being a leader it was my duty to protect them. What made me feel at peace was that I managed to take them all down with me, the ones who had caused nothing but misery and pain. My dad and Jace were dead because of the. The reason why West had to break me and betray me was because of them. For what reason, I don't have a clue.

Maybe I should have found out before I blew the place up but there wasn't any time, I had to do what needed to be done.

I hope they all find their happy ending even though I can't be apart of it. It kills me knowing I could be happy with Xavier, we had just become husband and wife and I had to say goodbye to him. I'll never get to see my daughter walk, her first day at school, her first boyfriend, or see her go to prom. I won't be there for any of that and I just hope they all stay in her life and make her happy. Although I know for a fact West will never let her have a boyfriend, nobody will be good enough for his little girl.

The sounds of fire engines gradually grew louder indicating they were close, and could faintly hear the screams of my brother, my name escaping his lips. His voice was laced with pain as he yelled at Xavier for letting me go without a fight. I know deep inside it killed him but he's a leader too and that part of him understands why I did what he did and he knew for a fact that he couldn't stop me. Nobody could.

My eyes were starting to become heavy as I struggled for breath, everything was becoming a blur as the water from the hose pipes poured down onto the flames till they started to disappear. My head fell back onto the floor as I clutched my chest, the beating of my heart slowing down.

I accept death.

before I could fully close my eyes someone ran into the room to avoid the leftover flames, their hand covering their mouth to avoid breathing In the smoke. I couldn't recognise who it was even when I was lifted up into their arms and carried out.

Voices were buzzing around me as a bright light invaded my eyes making me turn into their chest, sucking in the clean air I gasped for breath and started to cough wildly. Someone lay me down as they cradled me in their arms, and with the little strength I had left I looked into brown eyes with green flecks.

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