Chapter 35: Never Have I Ever

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"How do you suppose I get downstairs seen as I can't walk or even move without feeling like someone's ripping my insides out?"

I had woken up from very deep sleep to see Xavier gone who had left me a note telling me he had a meeting, selling some of my weapons, and to notify them of my Uncles betrayal.

Nobody had a clue where he was, and I'm guessing the only people who do are my mother and whoever is working with him.

Someone apparently close to me.


There were voices shouting over one another, arguing about what games should be played tonight and what to order for tea. Nobody could agree on a damn thing.

You wouldn't think these people like to kill people for a living with how childish they are sounding right now.

Some of them didn't want a curry because they'd be sat on the toilet all day the very next day and apparently that won't mix well with being hungover.

Nobody could decide on pizza toppings.

I don't care what anyone says, pineapple does not belong on pizza.

Somebody wanted sushi which was shot down immediately and I distinctively heard Caleb saying there's no way he's putting raw fish crap in his mouth and started going on with himself about how he likes Finding Nemo.

I rolled my eyes feeling a headache coming on from the noise and it didn't help that Noah wouldn't leave me alone.

"Come on Hope you have to join us" He begged me, slowly walking over to my bed.

"I'd rather stay in bed than play some stupid games," I said flatly.

As you can tell I'm really not in the mood, I was in pain, my head was a mess and I just miss my daughter.

I miss my old life.

When they told me we were having a game night with lots of food I was shocked. I thought everyone in the mafia was serious, never had any fun but I was wrong.

Apparently Xavier and his little circle like to have fun once in a while, forgetting about all the shit they have to deal with.

Although Xavier didn't really smile in front of my inner circle, which I didn't really care because I couldn't blame him for not trusting them or being himself around them.

I'm being careful in who I trust too, someone was working with my uncle and just the thought of another one betraying me made me sick.

"Will you lighten up? Just forget about everything for one night and let your hair down"

His hand was on mine now, his eyes level with mine. I could see the similarities between him and Xavier, even though they didn't share the same father.

"You aren't going to kiss me again are you, cause we all know how that ended"

He groaned and stepped back "That was one time, I don't fancy you like them little shits downstairs. Now come on" Noah Ripped the covers off me, the cold air instantly hitting my skin.

I tried snatching back the covers but he pulled them till they landed on the floor in a crumpled mess.

All I had on was one of Xavier's tops which reached mid-thigh and some skimpy underwear which luckily was hidden by the top.

"Wow already wearing his tops I see" He smirked.

My cheeks started to heat up so I looked down from his gaze, my eyes fell on the two ugly looking scars on each thigh. My finger lightly ran across the left one, I hissed from the contact and blinked rapidly fighting back the tears.

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