Chapter 31: Let The Darkness In.

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"Dad what are you doing here?" My voice came out shaky.

The sight of my daughter asleep in my dads arms as he looked at me, tears evident in his eyes and a worried look on his face. My hand was still holding Xaviers who I totally forgot about for a second.

My dad shouldn't be here, he needs to be as far away as possible before they were found. I was nowhere near finding the two people who wanted me and Mila dead. Then I looked at my daughter again, light brown curls in a little bobble, her little pink lips partially open. She has grown so much since I last saw her.

I could feel tears threatening to escape and a small whimper left my mouth,  Xavier squeezed my hand letting me know he's still here and will always be by my side. I should thank myself lucky, any other guy would walk away when another man's child was involved but he didn't. He never made me feel guilty or ashamed about having her so young and with someone he detested.

"Oh pumpkin I've missed you so much, don't worry we aren't stopping. It's just when I heard what happened to you because of your mother I needed to see you" He was now stood next to me on the other side.


That bitch isn't my mother.

What mother can stab and torture her own child without an ounce of guilt.

"I'm fine" I huffed out.

Xavier stood up abruptly, the chair scraping against the grey marbled floor and I looked up to see him staring down at me and then over towards my dad and daughter before back to me. His eyes swirling with an emotion I can't quite read.

"I'll leave you two to talk whilst  I sort something out with the doctor about getting you home. I won't be long love" He placed a gentle kiss on my freckled cheek and left the room in silence.

My dad was now sat down, his gaze on the door that Xavier just walked out off, and then he scanned me over holding Mila close to him. Whatever pain meds they had me on was beginning to wear off as my stomach started to burn, a slight headache coming on making me squint.

"Now you're involved with the mafia, Hope what are you up to? At this rate you are going to end up getting yourself killed. I've heard what you've been doing, this isn't you at all and you know that. Getting involved with him is just stupid" He spoke harshly, trying to stay quiet.

"Don't start dad, I'm doing what I need to do and he's a good man so cut him some slack..." He was about to speak but I cut him off.

"I know what you were going to say, he's a ruthless man with no heart. He'd kill anyone in an instant without giving it a thought. So what? I've done the same and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. It's who I am, something I need to do to stay alive in this fucked up world and rid of the very people who threaten her life. You can be disappointed in me all you want I don't give a shit but if it means saving the people I love and losing myself in the process then so be it"

The door opened again revealing Caleb and by the look on his face he wasn't surprised to see my dad which means he has something to do with him showing up.

"You need to leave" I turned back to my dad, ignoring Caleb.

He frustrates me, I just want to poke him in the eye.

Seriously the eye?

Shut up stupid brain.

"I didn't just come all of this way to be thrown out Hope" His voice raised.

"You shouldn't have come at all" My head turned to Caleb giving him a pointed look to which he just shrugged off and crossed his arms over his chest.

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