Chapter 6: Mafia.

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Entering my living room after some intense training I see my dad sat on the couch with Mila as she sleeps, In his other hand he holds a letter with some fancy writing on it.

"What's the letter?" I ask before sitting next to him. I gaze down at my little girl, my heart instantly filling up with love for her. My dad looked over to me as he handed me the letter.

"Not sure pumpkin, that parcel also came" He nods towards a large box that is laying on the coffee table, a beautiful shiny red ribbon tying the box together. I rip open the letter that's addressed to me,

Dear Hope Carter,

You are hereby invited to the annual ball in England, at the Royal Hilton. As an important member of one of the greatest gangs in the world, your presence would be greatly appreciated. It will definitely be a night to remember.

Address.Royal Hilton, Manchester, England. Date: This Saturday. Time: 8pm. Dress Code: Formal.

I am looking forward to seeing you Hope.

P.S- I expect you to save at least one dance for me. We have some things to discuss. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

-Golden Triad.

"Whos the golden triad?" My dad questioned. I folded the invitation up and placed it on the table.

"You don't know? They are one of the most feared and powerful mafias out there. No wonder they are hosting it, they move around a lot. That's why they are never taken down. No one has a clue who they are. Its been passed down for generations, now I'm going to be in the same room as them" I couldn't believe it.

"They also want a dance with you, and have bought you a dress," He said before smirking. I nudged his arm gently so I didn't wake up Mila.

"I have Ryan dad" I reminded.

"I know I know but anything could happen. You used to think the world of West, and look at what happened there" I groaned covering my face with my hands, he always has to bring that up. Some people may think it's weird talking about this stuff with your dad, but he's the only parent I have. Out of him and my brother, my dad seems to be the better option in that department.

Sometimes I forget I'm just a teenage girl who should have simple problems like what dress to choose for graduation, picking a university, picking the right guy but I'm also a gang leader, who has a lot of responsibilities. I have guy problems too. Most of the time I'm really happy with Ryan but something feels missing and I don't know what.

Part of me misses Callum because deep down he was the man for me and I loved him but I was too late to realize that. I regret every single day.

"You don't think Ryan is the one for me? I eye him up as he thought for a second.

"I just think you deserve the world pumpkin, your only young" Was he right?

"I'm going to put Mila down, why don't you have a look at your dress and then speak to Caleb. He wants to speak to you"

"Okay dad, I'll see you in a bit"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

He placed a delicate kiss on my temple before leaving the room with my daughter curled up to his chest.

This Ryan thing is just going to drive me crazy. I love him, I really do but am I truly happy? Okay shut up Hope, just look in the god damn box then find Caleb.

I untie the ribbon that is on the box to reveal a stunning black dress. Well, at least I don't need to go shopping for one.

Closing the box and sliding it next to the couch I leave the room to go look for Caleb. It wasn't hard, he was sat in the kitchen with Oliver eating the leftover pizza from last night. Wherever there is food, sure enough, you will find Caleb nearby.

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