Chapter 16: The proposal.

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Hours had gone by since Lily died right in front of me by the hands of West Shaw, the note he left me which lay next to her body was crumpled in my hands that still had dry blood on them. Lily's blood, my best friend, my sister and Milas god mum.

Never in my life would I have thought that I would have to live without her. Never being able to listen to her rambling on about how much chicken nuggets mean to her or how she couldn't live without them.

No one to watch vampire diaries with anymore, or to just share my secrets with. She won't be here to see me eventually settle down with someone I truly love, or get married and maybe have more kids.

Lily was not meant to die, she had such a long life to live and it's all my fault. I couldn't cry though, all I felt was anger towards West. A little piece has broken again. I could feel my soul becoming darker over time, and I'm afraid that if I lose any more people to protect my little girl, I'm going to lose myself.

Brooke left as soon as everyone left, not being able to deal with the loss of Lily right now which I can understand completely.

"Hope" My head snapped up to see who was calling me, and I was definitely not expecting him to be here.

"Miles?" My brother was stood there with a sad face, his arms spread out for me to hug him. Without a thought, I ran over to him ignoring everyone else who was in the room and pounced on my brother burying my head into his shoulder as I gripped his jacket tightly.

His comforting arms wrapped around me, his chin resting, on the top of my head, breathing heavily. I could feel one of his hands rubbing my back gently trying to soothe me.

"I'm here Bambi, and I'm not going anywhere" He whispered into my ear, and that's when I started to sob quietly trying not to gain anyone's attention but Miles heard me because he kissed my head and squeezed me tighter.

His shirt was soaking up my tears, mourning over Lily who didn't deserve to die.

"This is my fault" I shakily said.

Miles bent his head down to speak to me.

"None of this is your fault so do not blame yourself, I think everyone here can agree with me when I say this is West's fault. He's the one who pulled that trigger, not you" I pulled away so I could look at him, his blue eyes that were the spitting image of mine held tears threatening to spill but he refused to break down in front of me.

Lily was close to my brother as well because we all grew up together.

"Wait what are you doing here, you're supposed to be far away with everyone else..." He took my hands in his rubbing small circular motions against my palms that had dried blood on them.

"Xavier collected me, Bambi, I know who he is and that he wanted to meet you so before I left I rang him letting him know where we would be if anything was to happen. You're my baby sister, I was worried about you and even though you're a gang leader now you still need me" Miles stood up straight and gave me a sad smile.

"Mila is safe don't worry, she's looking more like you every single day" He kissed my forehead, his lips lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. His hand reached into his jeans pocket to pull out his phone to check something. After a minute he twisted his phone to reveal a picture of my little girl.

 After a minute he twisted his phone to reveal a picture of my little girl

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