Chapter 34: Feelings

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"None of this would have happened if you didn't stab Hope in the back if you didn't stab us all in the fucking back. Hope wouldn't have had to take over her uncle's gang. She could still be a mother to your daughter"

"Everything I did was to protect them both, to protect you now shut the fuck up Caleb"

"You shouldn't be here West, she's gonna flip when she wakes up"

"Well, I don't care, Jace, she needs to know why I did this. She needs to know why I broke her heart"

"She doesn't have a heart you prick, she's not the Hope that you loved over two years ago. You have yourself to thank for that. She's lost her daughter, she lost you and Callum who now wants her dead. Did you know she loved him, more than you? She's never been the same and then you went and killed her best friend" I heard Caleb chuckle dryly.

"I can get her back"

"No you can't, and she's marrying Xavier anyway so don't even bother"

"I refuse to let her marry him"

My eyes opened up slowly after listening to them argue with each other, I was laying in my bed, my sheets draped over my body and stopping just above my chest. Caleb and West were stood next to each other by the window, both of them angry and completely forgetting I'm in the room.

Jace was sat beside my bed, his legs stretched out and his arms crossed over with a bored expression as he just watched the two brothers compete against each other. His hair was messy, and his pretty green eyes looked tired.

This was so weird, all three of them in the same room as each other. All we were missing was Callum but Id doubt he would join this little gathering. He just wants me dead, he doesn't remember a single thing about me, he hates me more than anyone and I know if I cant get him to remember me he will never be completely on our side to beat whoever West is or was working for.

"Can you two shut up please, you're giving me a migraine" I tried to sit up but Jace was fast and gently pressed his hand against my shoulder.

"Careful Carter, we don't want you ripping them stitches again" I gave him a gentle smile and rested my head against the pillows.

"Can you get me a drink please"

He nodded and walked out of the room leaving the door open and I faced Caleb "Please leave, I need to speak to your brother"

"I'm not leaving you with him"

I took a deep breath and flinched from the sharp pain in my stomach, I'm sick of not being able to do anything. I'll be sure to repay my mother for this.

"I don't have time for this Caleb, stop disobeying everything I tell you and for once do as you are fucking told" I snapped.

His eyes turned into slits and his hands started clench together, I noticed him shaking from the anger that he struggles to contain but with one last harsh look he stormed out of the room nearly knocking into Jace who was now holding a glass of water for me.

Jace stood by my side, not mentioning Caleb's behavior, and passed me the water with some tablets, I thanked him quietly and he lightly squeezed my hand then left the room setting the door behind him. I could hear him telling Caleb off and telling him to calm down or he'd shave his hair.

Caleb is obsessed with his hair.

He takes an hour styling it every morning.

He reminds me of Jack frost with how white and shiny it is.

Now it was just me and West in a room alone together, with no interruptions so I can finally find out what he's been up to all this time. The tension in the room kept rising as no one spoke.

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