He's The Damon To Your Elena

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"Are you listening to me"

"No, I don't want any cake"

I rolled my eyes and huffed.

We were currently sat in Starbucks before heading off to the race track, the same one we went to for the first time, along with West and Callum.

When they made the deal with me.

Memories invaded my mind when I begged Lily to come and climb through the bathroom window because Mason came in with that idiot Rose.

God, I miss her more than anything.

I've been trying to ask Jace something for the past five minutes but he's been gazing at something behind my back completely ignoring me.

When I looked behind me there were two men sat down at a table a few rows behind us, in a deep discussion. Their faces were clear of any emotion, eyes not blinking as their mouths moved rapidly.

My phone buzzed in my pocket so I slipped my hand around it and answered it without even looking at the caller ID, my other hand picking up my coffee.


"Can we talk about Mila?" I glanced at my screen.

West fucking Shaw.

I'm in no mood to speak to him, especially as he's so close to Ryan and I'm still pissed at his betrayal.

Even though he did it to protect us, I don't think I could fully forgive him.

Next time remember to look who's calling.

Yeah yeah, too late now.

"Not now West" I grumbled, taking a sip of my hot coffee.

The warm liquid flowed down my throat, my eyes closing briefly enjoying the silence till I heard his voice again.

"You can't keep avoiding me Hope, I have the right to know our daughter. You have nothing on for a week as you are still recovering and Xavier has gone away"

"I didn't say I wouldn't tell you, I just said not now. Just stop pestering me and do your job. I may not have anything to do till I'm fully healed but you have no excuse"

I heard him swearing to himself, someone else shouting in the background. Jace was now looking at me with his eyebrow up.

"Who's that?"

"My pain in the arse"

He chuckled quietly then gulped the rest of his drink, then wiped the back of his hand across his mouth.

"I'm coming, and if that's Jace laughing tell him he's a prick" I heard West fumble around with some keys.

"If he's a prick then your a fucking cactus" I was now becoming bored and agitated "and come all you want, you won't find me" and with that, I hung up.

Turning my phone off and put it away, completely forgetting about my baby daddy and any other problems.

"That sounded like a pleasant conversation"

I sat back as my shoulders sagged, I could feel a headache coming on already.

"Some advice Porter, if you ever get someone pregnant, make sure it's with the right person or someone at least tolerable"

"Es un poco difícil embarazar a una mujer cuando aún no has tenido relaciones sexuales"

"I don't understand a word you just said, I told you to speak in English to me"

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