CH. 19 ~ An Acquaintance's Message

Start from the beginning

"HALT! Halt your fire!" he commands and instantly all men freeze, eyeing their captain with curiosity. They all seem unsure but the first to say anything is Seonghwa.

"Captain, I respect you very much, but what are you doing!?" Gritting through his teeth he irately snatches my hand pulling me towards him. Woo only frowns at his actions trying to reason with him.

"Seonghwa, They're not really the Royal Navy. Well, I mean they are but they aren't," This only seems to arouse the eldests' anger more.

"We have an incoming Royal Navy ship and you're telling our men to cease their freaking fire!"

"Calm down, I know this ship. They won't hurt us," Eye-patch reassures him.

"They're the Bangtan soldiers!" Woo cries once again, confusing the heck out of all us.

"The who?" Seonghwa and I ask in unison to which Woo rolls his eyes.

"Only like the greatest infiltration pirate masters of all times."

"Woo, that ship belongs to Commander Nam--" He presses a finger against my lips, shushing me calmly.

"Shhhhhhhhh. I'm not finished, angel-face." he clears his throat dramatically before speed rapping about the crew on the ship next to us. His eyes light up adorably as he babbles nonsensically about the so-called "Bangtan soldiers". He nails the info of each and every member right on the head. Every time he's about to run out of air he takes a big gulp and continues on with the rambling until Eye-patch has enough.

"Okay, we get it," Just as he interrupts Wooyoung the other ship pulls up alongside ours with 6 familiar faces and some others I've never seen, peering at us from its main deck.

"Captain Hongjoong! I request an audience with you!" A tall man with deep-set, droopy almond-eyes yells at us from the other side. Everyone aboard the Aurora seems to freeze, all eyes trained on Hongjoong for his decision as if our lives depend on it, which they kind of do.

"How many men do you think of bringing?" The man looks around sticking his lower lip out while shrugging.

"3, including me!" I can see Hongjoong thinking it real hard. If I'm wrong this whole ship can get blown up and it'll be my fault or we could have just made a new alliance.

"Lower the gangplank."

"But, Captain--,"

"I said lower it," he barks. Hesitantly, the crew works to get the man and two others onto our boat. I feel Seonghwa grip my arm tighter as he narrows his vision down on the people coming aboard.

"You better be right," He whispers against my ear, reaching for a knife sheathed behind his back. I grab his arm shaking my head. When the men climb aboard the Aurora I'm able to get a better look at the other two. The one on the left of the tall man is slightly shorter with long black hair and some tattoos on the back of his hand. He eyes the crew, inspecting each and every face closely only stopping slightly when he sees mine. I make contact with his round onyx eyes. He smirks at me elbowing the man next to him. The man next to him has shorter dark gray hair with an oval-ish face. Both men smile at me making Seonghwa shift uncomfortably while he takes in our interaction. "You know them?"

"They were my boyfriend's... acquaintances." I respond without thinking too much about what I said.

"Boyfriend?" Shock is plastered all over his face which I find both amusing and insulting.

"What? Jealous?" I tease. He stutters in response.

"N-No, I... just didn't see you as the romantic type." Waving him off and turning my attention back to what's happening, I feel the heavy tension, so thick it's almost suffocating. As soon as the men stop in front of Hongjoong, Mingi and Yunho step in line behind him, mirroring the three-man formation. Even with the obvious height difference between the two captains, Eye-patch seems to keep a powerful and intimidating aura, almost, just almost, overriding the other captain's stance. Just when I feel like all hell will break loose our Captain speaks up.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now