Feeling a little needy, I roll out of his spooning, causing him to moan in annoyance but he soon smiles when I turn and snuggle into his neck, wrapping my arms around him and throwing my leg over him.

He returns it by giving me a hug and running his hand under my Silk pj top and touching my skin. I hum in delight and soon settle into his warmth.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

I hmph into his neck and bite it causing a soft laugh to rattle his chest.

"I'll see what I can do."

Then we both fall back to sleep. Counting stars and dreaming of what's next.


I wake the next morning alone and slip out of bed to find where Zak had disappeared to. It was unusual for him to be awake before me, as well as leave me in bed. I'm not sure if I like it either.. 

Walking down the hallway, I hear some shuffling and turn towards the bedrooms, going through them until I find him in the soon to be reading nook/ home office. There hadn't been a lot of preparation for this room yet, but Zak and Bacon had worked a desk in here so that he could work from home. 

I find Zak, sat behind the desk, deep into paperwork with a frown on his face. I am able to walk across the room before he senses a shift in the air and looks up, finding me stood beside him. 

"Good morning." He smiles, standing briefly to give me a kiss before sitting back down. I take in his choice of clothing or lack of, with a lifted brow but don't say a word as he pulls me onto his lap. 

It's then, that  I decide to look at what he's pouring over. 

"The layout of the house and the deeds?" I ask, looking over to him. "You thinking about selling?"

I had hoped he would have said something before making any decisions, I understand he owns the house but I live here too and I love every brick in this place.. But it's also not worth anything if he isn't happy here.

"Selling?" He asks. "No, no. I woke up with this buzzing in my head and I had to look at these. Look.." He points to layout, specifically our bedroom. 

"What about it?"

"We will need a nursery and I want it close. I don't... Electronics in my line of work are not always so reliable. Spirits can communicate across them." He says, his arm tightening around my waist. 

"Baby monitors have video now."

"I know, I know." He says peering at the paperwork again. 

"But you want to be close by." I say causing him to look up. 

"Is that weird? I just want everything to be perfect. So I was thinking, if we knock through this wall-"

"Woah." I say, making him stop. "Let's not jump too fast. I'm not that far gone."

He looks up as soon as I say the words and I feel his mood shift. "What is that suppose to mean? Have you.. Have you changed your mind?"

I open my mouth to speak but he starts moving and I get up off his lap quickly, watching as he begins haphazardly collecting all the paperwork. "I knew it. I knew it would change." He says. 

"I'm sorry?" I ask, watching as he stuffs them into a file.

"You freaked yesterday and bad things always follow me. You don't want this. You want out, I get it. I guess I just let myself get too excited-"

"I haven't changed my mind." I interrupt, grabbing his hands to stop him destroying the papers. 

"But you just said..."

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