Old Friends To New Lovers To Loss ~ B.B

Start from the beginning

"A smooth talker huh?" You turned to Nat. "Nat we're gonna have to talk later. I'm taking this man on a date." Bucky eyes widened and before you could protest, you were dragging him further into the kingdom of Wakanda.

T'Challa watched as all of this unfolded. He could only laugh.

     You had been in Wakanda for about two months now. You had dragged Bucky onto some dates, which he never disagreed with. And you also never forced him to do something he didn't want, but you had fun with him. You eventually gained his trust too. He saw you as an angel that was sent to rescue him. You listened to him; to his worries and doubts. You consoled and comforted him. You were his shoulder to cry on and his anchor to ground him when nightmares got too real. You were too good to be true. 

     So he asked you out. To be his girl exactly. You said yes in a heartbeat. And here you are, a year and a half later. Never have either of you been so happy. You spent every chance together. 

And neither of you knew that your shared happiness wouldn't last long.

     You and Bucky were out in the field working. He was stacking hay while you were feeding the goats. He only had the use of his real arm, seeing that his metal one was still in the works. Neither of you noticed Okoye and T'Challa walking down the hill. They were accompanied by two guards, one of which, was carrying a metal briefcase. That was until you both heard the clanking of their armor. Your attention was now on them and not the goats. Bucky heard too and stopped stacking the hay. The two guards placed the case onto the newly stacked hay and opened it. Inside was Bucky's new arm. It was black vibranium with gold interlaced in the cracks. Not a red star visible. 

You both knew what this meant. You all shared looks. Bucky was the first to speak.

"Where's the fight?"

     They took you and Bucky up to the palace to get ready. You were handed a brand new suit. One that had fit your style. You changed and met with Okoye who was waiting outside your room. Bucky still wasn't finished getting ready yet. He did have a whole new arm to put on after all. She led you down to T'Challa. You thanked him for the suit and followed him as he began to walk to the landing platform. 

"When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world this is not what I imagined," Okoye stated as we walked to the platform. 

"And what did you imagine?" T' Challa replied. 

"The Olympics, maybe even a Starbucks." This earned a chuckle from you. You three stopped as a ship landed and it's ramp opened. Out walks the now-infamous Captain America, Black Widow, The Falcon, Bruce Banner, and War Machine.  

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve shakes T'Challa's hand, not even noticing you. Bruce awkwardly bows in the background. 

"Uh, we don't do that here," T'Challa tells him. You have to cover your mouth to keep from laughing. You all begin to walk back towards the palace. 

"So, how big of an associate are we expecting?" T'Challa asks the group. Banner peaks his head out from behind Steve's form. 

"Sir, you should expect quite a big assault." 

"How we looking?" Natasha asks, referring to the military power available to access. 

"You will have my Kingsguard, the border tribe, the Dora Milaje, and," T'Challa gestures to someone. Bucky finally arrived at the party. 

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