Her Dauntless

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⚖  I've changed where Eric finds out about her Divergence, as reading through it just seems too calm for an 'Eric' response.

⚖  Going through, I've fixed Peter's and Nessa's relationship so it is more hostile in places rather than her being supportive of him all the time. 

⚖  From the beginning, I've made both small and large changes, most of it is ending conversations better and tieing off loose ends that I left open and whatnot.

⚖  I've taken out all the extra dauntless born that I put in near the end because 'book-wise' there were only 12 in total in the end.

⚖  I am also going to be sorting out some kind of upload schedule so I can balance the two stories I have going on without running my brain into the ground. 

⚖ I have left the Question Chapter up incase any of you have any suggestions about what you want to possibly see in the next intallment. 

⚖ The "Story so Far...' Chapter will be up when I've written the first one or two chapters of the next book as well as telling you the title, so please keep an eye on that.

⚖  If you have any questions about anything, please let me know and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.

See you on the other side,




Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now