Hennessy Hayes

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The air was thick like the city was holding its breath.

Harry stood by my side as we watched them take out the final delivery, Max and Eric stood close together whispering about something as their loyal soldiers unpacked the blue-eyed crates.
"It's insane to think, tomorrow we won't have this.
"Yeah." I sighed, leaning on the metal piped that acted as a fence," We still haven't a clue what the end game is, only that there is one and it all starts tomorrow."
Harry nodded," Anything about Eric?"
"He's meeting with someone in secrets," I sighed," I was half asleep the first time so he thinks I don't know, we talked about the plans a couple of times but he's been more secretive since Visiting Day."
"How are you finding this?"
I ran my tongue over my teeth," It's hard because I know all this crap and he doesn't know as much as I do maybe if he knew I knew this much, he would feel like he could talk to me about it."
"What do you mean?" harry asked.
"It's like, he's hiding a part of himself something that's a big part of him but he won't let me see it." I groaned, internally," Maybe if I wasn't a Candor transfer I wouldn't notice it, but I do."
Harry wrapped his arms around me," It's gonna be fine. Everyone has a choice to make, eventually we all hit that crossroads."
"And what choice is that?" I asked.

The two of us turned our heads as we heard the gravel crunch under someone's footsteps. Four nodded to us as Tris walked behind him, climbing over the divider in the roof the two joined us to watch the loading bay.
"So, you've seen his tattoo?" I smirked
Tris looked down; her cheeks tinted a deep red.
"Play nice." Four said looking back at me.
I nodded," So was it one kiss or several?"
"Nessa." Four scolded.
"You know I can't help it." I rolled my eyes, "It's not like it's a switch, I can turn off as and on."
Harry smirked," But he can turn it on."
"Shut up." I blushed, hitting my friend on the arm.
"Will you two stops before we are found out?" Four asked, gesturing to Tris to step forwards," Look."

"Erudite?" Tris asked, his eyes fixed on the people unloading the trucks.
Four peered over her shoulder," They are here every morning, we've been watching them for weeks."
"What are they doing?" She asked.
"Supplies, computers mostly," Four reached into his pocket to retrieve the yellow vile," And these."
Harry sighed," We stole them in the first load."
Tris turned the bottle in her hands, "What do they do?"
"Form a source a while ago." I spoke honestly," It originated to make people fall in line with the faction system, to protect a city with no crime and little to no suspicious deaths, I think it's based on the Candor Truth serum –"
"That exists?" Harry gasped.
I nodded," It's the final stage in their initial process as it was, share your deepest loves and regrets to court judges and bobs your uncle welcome to Candor. The idea is that it triggers the part of the brain that works on morals, it takes away the self-preservation, so you have no choice but to talk."
"With that much and with everything else we have found out, they have taken that and modified it for a military gain," Harry sighed," Drink whilst you can Tris, cause tomorrow the storm begins."

"Attention. All Initiates for Final Testing."

"Ah," I sighed," The memories."

Leaving Four alone with Tris, we walked off the roof and to the testing room. I looked through the glass doors and stopped, Jeanine was in there, she was the only one from another faction. She stood with her normal sectaries whispering to Max in the corner.
"Why is she here?" Harry whispered.
"She's here to watch them, to spot those with Divergence," I stated.
Harry took in a sharp breath," Well Eric is coming over so act, Nessa like."
"Is there another way to act?" I whispered harshly as Eric walked closer.

"Eric." My friend said slowly," I'll see you later, Tattoo parlour?"
"Yeah, I'll be there when this is over." I smiled as he walked away to Angel on the other side of the lobby," Hey."
Eric pulled me out of the waiting area, his face relaxed a little," We need to talk."
"Just something." He muttered, his hands on the sides of my face as his thumb stroked my cheekbones," I need to get some priorities in order."
"What's this about?" I asked again.

Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now