Hennessy Hayes

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With his armed wrapped tightly around me, I traced the maze tattoo that decorated his skin. Part of me was tempted to get a marker pen to draw around it to see if all the lines hit a dead-end, or if there was a way out.
After last night's confession, I wish there was a way out – not for me, for him.
To hate someone like that, someone he doesn't even know makes me wonder what Divergence ever did to him.

As he woke, Eric left small peppered kisses down my neck and shoulder, I shook my head with a smile as I turned to face him
"Morning." He said, still half asleep, his voice thick with sleep.
I kissed the side of his mouth," Hi."
"Doesn't training start at seven?" He spoke deeply, his face buried in my shoulder.
I shrugged burying my head in the pillow," Four will survive half an hour with them."

My body shuddered as the kisses on my shoulder got deeper as he nipped at the skin around my neck and shoulder, a small sigh left my lips before I pushed him off. Looking behind me, he looked terribly proud of himself; lying back with his head resting on his arm.
"You better not have left a mark," I said, hitting him with a pillow.
He shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes following me as I walked to the bathroom barefoot.
Turning my back to the mirror, there were two fresh red marks which would soon bruise in the next couple of hours. Groaning internally, I took a shower and brushed my teeth.
When I walked back into the bedroom, Eric still lay there, the four broken lines running down his neck going to the bold lines that ran over his chest.
"I hate you," I spoke, throwing a pillow at him.
He caught it, putting it back down," Do you?"
"No, but that's not the point – how the fuck am I going to explain these?" I asked, pointing to the red marks that dotted my skin
He shrugged, " Could just tell the truth, it's not like this is a secret or anything."
I pointed at him with my free hand as I opened the draws," Did it have to be my neck?"
"yeah." He smirked," How else will the know not to stare at your ass."
I shrugged," A punch to the face maybe?"

From the wardrobe, I pulled out one of Eric's jumpers to go over my sports bra and shorts, rolling up the sleeves slightly so my hands where free. I sat back down on the bed – putting my rings back on, leaving my ring ringers clear on both hands.
"You could stay." Eric offered, his arms snaking around me.
I nodded," I could but then this Dauntless leader would shout at me, probably tell me I'm a complete weakling then go back to work as if nothing happened."
"Sounds like a dick." Eric said, pulling me back into bed," Or he will let you off."
I straddled his hips as I leaned over to get my phone," I doubt that."

Climbing over, I picked up my worn combat boots – one was by the dresser whist the other was near the chair.
In the kitchen, I made a cup of coffee in the red mug that always sat on the counter next to the coffee machine. Using the ventilation boxes as a mirror, my hair went up into two braids; perfectly split down the middle meaning that each braid was a different colour.

Eric emerged just before I left, in black jeans, his top in his hand and his hair freshly jelled.
From the counter I leaned on, my eyes ran down his toned chest, as he poured himself a cup, his knuckles scared from punching the bags as a form of anger management.
"I know I'm great, but do you need to stare?" He asked, pouring himself a coffee.
I nodded as I put my mug down," Yes, yes I do."
"Ok, you have fun doing that." He smirked slipping his top and sleeveless dauntless jacket," You coming up to visits later?"
My eyes ran around my head as I thought through my day," No, after training – I'm taking the train to the City Memorial Garden."
He nods understandingly," ok, I'll try and – "

There were three harsh knocks on the door, Eric pulled his gun from under the counter – taking the safety off as he opened the door. I rolled my eyes at his personal arsenal hidden in the kitchen.

"Eric." Max's voice boomed though from the open door.

Max stalked in, looking around the apartment – he had a similar neck tattoo as Eric that was partially hidden by the collar of his jacket, on the back of his hands was three lines that followed the bones going down towards his wrist. My heart rate picked up a little, the atmosphere Max carried wasn't a friendly one; it was almost threatening the way he walked around the apartment, taking everything in.

Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now