All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth

Start from the beginning

I stop once every few steps to readjust my grip on the unconscious boy, his head lolling backward and his limp body nearly falling from my arms. "Come on, don't do this" I beg, though I know he can't hear me.

 We make it to the car and I waste no time opening the door and resting him in the backseat, supporting his head with the blood-stained jacket.

I practically slam the keys into the ignition once I make it to the driver's side and stomp on the pedal as hard as I can as soon as the engine turns over.

My hand fishes in my pocket for my phone, dialing my mum's number as quickly as I can, my eyes hardly leaving the road. 

"Hello?" She asks sleepily once the line connects. 

"Mum, go pick up Anne and meet me at the hospital," I yell into the receiver as I swerve between the now busy lanes of traffic. It's nearly 11:00, why the fuck are people still driving around? 

"Louis, what happened?" She sounds alert now, and I know that I officially have her attention. 

"It's Harry," I say shakily.

"Oh my god, Louis what the hell happened?" 

"I don't have time to explain, please just get to the hospital. I'll explain more once we get there" I say quickly, hanging up the phone and tossing it to the passenger seat. My eyes lift to the rear-view mirror and I see that he hasn't moved an inch. 

"Hang in there baby, we're gonna make it" I assure him, though I know it's falling upon deaf ears. 


I run through the parking lot, Harry bobbing in my arms and his head resting against my chest. The neon red of the hospital sign glows against his pale face and I realize how bad he looks. The blood is drained from his face and the cold harsh winter caused his lips to chap and his skin to become paler than usual, the only color being the faint purple of his eyelids.

I burst through the revolving door, looking around at all of the people sitting in the waiting room and awaiting service. Fuck that, he needs help now. 

"Hello? Can anyone help me?" A few families look in my direction, but they only glance at me before resuming their previous conversations. 

A few doctors and nurses are running around with stretchers and transporting patients to their rooms. I walk up to a tall male doctor with blonde hair who's holding a conversation with one of his nurses. 

"I need help," I say weakly.  He looks over to me, his eyes widening as he sees Harry barely able to stay in my arms and blood staining my shirt. 

He motions a few of his colleagues over and they quickly come to his assistance. "What's his name?" 

"Harry Styles. He's 16" I say lowly 

 "What happened?" He asks quickly, taking Harry from me and I have to prevent myself from screaming at him to be fucking careful. 

"I- I don't know. He hit his head and he's bleeding a lot." I stammer out because I truly didn't think this far ahead. What did happened? They're probably going to think I did this. 

"Did you find him like this?" He places his stethoscope to Harry's chest and listens for his heartbeat, and I sigh heavily when he seems to have found one. 

"Yes," I respond. He nods quickly and motions a few nurses over to him, and they lay him on the stretcher.

"We need to check for bleeding on the brain, possible concussion," He says quickly, but he isn't even talking to me. Everyone's talking to each other, but not even acknowledging the person who's clearly worried and covered in his blood. 

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