Chapter 1

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I was woken from dead sleep when my phone went off. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it without thinking.

"Hello?" I answered

"Mr. Duchene?" asked a man's voice.

"Yes." I replied

"I am so sorry to tell you, but both of your parents were in a terrible accident. We tried everything possible but it was too late. I am so sorry for your loss."

I didn't know what to say or think, so I just sat there for a minute.

"Sir?" he asked

Then I remembered he was still on the line, "Oh right, thank you sir." I said before hanging up the phone. I couldn't believe this was real, it couldn't be. I just talked to them what? Three weeks ago. Then I thought of Charlotte. Then, I thought this was just dream, just go back to sleep I told myself, it will be over in the morning.

When morning came I checked my phone to see if the number really called me, he did. I was still in denial. What was my sister going to do? She needed to finish college, she couldn't move out on her own and go to college. Before I could do anymore thinking there was a knock on my door. I got up and answered it.

"Hey Dutchy! Ready to go?" asked Gabe ready for the run we were suppose to go on.

"Oh hey. Uh come inside." I said while inviting him.

He sat on the couch in the front room.

"What's eating you?" he asked while I gave him some coffee.

"My parents passed away last night." I said sitting in a chair and looking down.

He choked on his coffee then said "What? Awe man I'm sorry. If there is anything I could do please let me know." he said looking concerned.

"Thanks." I said with a sad smile.

"What is going to happen now? Or is it too early to ask?" he asked

"Uh well I need to go to Haliburton and go through their stuff and what not. They made a will so it shouldn't be too hard." I said still trying to process this.

"What about Charlotte?" he asked

"I was just thinking that. I have no idea! She hates my guts. And she still has to finish college." I said sitting up in the chair.

"She got accepted to CU too right?"

"Right." I said taking a drink of coffee.

"Then she could just transfer here. I mean you guys need to work things out so..." he said trailing off

"Right, yeah get her to move here? Please, she would rather die first." I said

"You never know. Just give it a shot. Do you want me to tell Coach for you?" he asked getting up.

"No. I'll tell him after practice." I said

"Okay hurry up and get ready, you can just ride with me."


After practice was over I had to come back to reality and realize my parents were gone and needed to try and fix my relationship with my sister. After I got dressed I found Coach in his office.

"Sir?" I asked before entering

"Duchene! Great practice today, play like that tonight and we can beat the Bruins." he said sitting down in his chair.

"Uh about that... My parents passed away suddenly last night... I need to go back home and take care of things. I'll be gone maybe three days." I said adjusting my hat.

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