Chapter 16

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Matt's POV

"How's he?" I asked.

"Good. I'm going to Pittsburgh this weekend." she said buckling her seatbelt.

"Oh good, you won't be home alone while I'm on the road trip." I tried to act delighted.

"You suck at hiding your sarcasim." she smiled.

"Yeah, I need to work on that." I laughted.


As I was packing my bag for the road trip, the doorbell rang. When I opened it was Bennett.

"Oh hi. Char isn't here..."

"Uh I came to talk to you." he said with a nervous face, what did he want?

"Yeah, come in." I said inviting him in. "What's up?" I asked while sitting on the couch.

"My sister is dating a hockey player and I don't know what to do!" he said without stopping to breathe.

"Shocking huh?" I asked.

"Yes." he said taking a deep breath.

"Do you trust her?"

He thought about it for a minute, "Yeah."

"Then the best thing you can do is support her, and kick the guy's ass if he hurts her." I said laughing and giving him "the look"

"You made that very clear." he said laughing, "Thanks for your help." he said getting up and skaking my hand.

"For sure. Take care of my sister this weekend."

"Of course." he said before leaving.

Later when Char got home I told her Beau asked for my advice.

"Awe! How cute! Kailey and Jonathan are dating." she said packing her bag.

"Cute? And Jonathan? You guys are on a first name bases?"

"Well what am I suppose to call him? Mr. Toews?" she asked.

"Better than Jonathan!" I exclaimed sitting on her bed.

"Well I think they are adorable."

"Of course you do." I laughed.

She just laughed. "Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone."

"I should be telling you!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah right." then Beau was here to pick her up.

"See you later." I said giving her a hug.

"Bye." she said.

Charlotte's POV

"You excited?" asked Beau opening the car door for me.

"Yeah! You guys better beat the Flyers." I said putting on my seatbelt.

"We will, I'll even score for you." he said getting in.

"I am going to hold you to it."

"Oh yeah Kailey is coming too."

"She and Jonathan happy?" I asked.

"Seems like it." he said unsure.

"You don't like it do you?"

"Not a big fan. Now I know how Matt feels."

"It will get better." I reassured.

When we got there Kailey was waiting for us at the gate... With Jonathan.

"Hi!" she basically screamed while leaping into my arms.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked hugging her back.

"Awesome! I am so happy I went to that game with you."

"Yeah mw too." I laughed then waved hi to Jonathan. Beau was obviously trying to avoid him.

"You guys ready to get going?" asked Jonathan with a smile.

"Yeah let's go!" I said.

Kailey and Jonathan dropped me and Beau off at his condo.

"See you tonight!" yelled Kailey.

"Bye!" I yelled.

"So this is it!" said Beau setting my bags down in his room, "You can have the bedroom and I'll take the couch."

"Oh no, I can take the couch." I tried to argue.

"Nope! Never. I sleep better on the couch anyways." he said.

"Lie!" I said sitting on his lap.

"I could never lie to you." he said before kissing my forehead.

"You better get going, you have practice." I said getting up.

"But, but..." he whinned.

"Bye!" I said handing him his bag and pushing him out the door.

"No kiss?" he asked acting hurt.

"Not until you score." I said shutting the door.

"It will happen!" he yelled from the other side of the door.

"I'll be waiting." I yelled back.

A little while later Kailey came over.

"How is it in the day and the life of Beau Bennett's girlfriend?" she asked sitting on the couch.

"Not bad... I made a dozen cupcakes... and a batch of brownies." I laughed.

"Wow. So hard." then we both laughed.

"So how's Jonathan?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Good! Beau doesn't approve huh?"

"He isn't sure."  I told her.

"Oh he will." she smiled.

"Eventually, I mean Matt did." I shrugged.

"Very true. Are you excited for tonight's game?"

"Yeah! I am actually starting to like hockey again!"

"Oh thank God! I need a hockey buddy... That isn't a boy."

"Well you got me." I told her.

It was finally game time. I was so excited, wasn't quite sure why. The crowd was going nuts, rivalry night is always the best.

"Let's watch Beau get smashed tonight!" yelled Kailey over the crowd.

"Hopefully not too hard!" I laughed.

Then the game had begun.

A/N Thank you guys so so much for 1.4k reads! I still cannot believe it! You guys are the best. Please keep reading and voting! I hope you guys are liking the story. Love you guys :)

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