Chapter 26

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Today was the day... the day Char had to decide which team to chose. She has until midnight to submit her letter, knowing her she is going to wait until the last minute, I mean who could blame her.

As I walked into the kitchen she was sitting on the counter lost in her thoughts.

"Boo!" I scared her.

"I hate you so much." she tried to hide a laugh.

"What's up?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I don't know which team to pick." she said with a blank expression.

"You have to have some kind of idea." I said.

"Wish I did." she said biting the inside of her cheek.

"Hey, you'll know." I tried to reassure her.

"Yeah I guess." she said hoping down from the counter.

Today was not going to be a fun day... I tried to cheer her up so I tried to take her to movie, but throughout the whole thing all she could think about was which stupid team she wanted to go to. Dinner was even worse she was nothing but a walking zombie, she couldn't look at me for more than thirty seconds then she would get lost again. Couldn't wait until this day was over.

Once we go home she went striaght to her room, I knocked but got no answer. I slowly opened the door, she was staring at her computer with a blank word document open. It killed me to see her so confused, so closed off from the world right now. I sat next to her.

"Go to the team you know you will be happy at." I said giving her a side hug.

"What if I think I am going to be happy there but I get there and I'm miserable?" she asked being snapped out of her daze.

"Then you know that team isn't for you and you politely quit the internship." I said standing up from her bed.

She took a deep breath and I walked out.

Charlotte's POV

Dear Pittsburgh Penguins,

Thank you so much for noticing my hard work and wanting me to come work for you next season. I am happy to accept the offer if it is still avaliable to me. I look foward to working with you and the team, and pulling my weight where it is needed.


Charlotte Duchene

Once I had typed the letter I had started to second guess myself, was this the right team? I asked myself. I was tired of second guessing myself so I just sent it, a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I walked out of my room to see Matt waiting anxiously on the couch, he quickly sat up when I closed my door.

"So?" he asked.

"Pittsburgh." I said sitting next to him.

"I think you will love it there." he said smiling but his eyes were saying otherwise.

"Yeah I hope so." letting out a deep breath.

"When will you leave?" he asked.

"August maybe."

"So we still have all summer, you excited?" he asked.

"Yeah something new, but for once I'm actually going to miss you." I laughed.

"Well I appreciate it." he laughed back.

A few days later I went to Pittsburgh.

"There's my girl!" Beau said picking me up and swinging me around.

"There my guy!" I laughed once he put me down.

One the car ride home I told him I had picked Pittsburgh, I've never seen that smile so big on that boy's face.

"You're living with me it final." he said parking.

"Oh is it?" I taunted

"Hell yeah it is." he laughed.

Once we got inside it was around dinner time and he bought me my favorite, pizza. After a few movies I needed to go to sleep but couldn't find myself to get up.

"I'm so tired but can't get up." I whined.

"Oh my god let's go." he laughed picking me up princess style.

He gently sat me down on the bed and was about to leave.

"Woah where are you going?" I asked half asleep.

"Going to sleep on the couch duh." he laughed.

"Why don't you stay a while." I said patting the empty space next to me.

"If you insist!" he laughed and laid next to me.

Matt's POV
As I walked into the restaurant I saw Gabe pondering at something I couldn't put my finger on.

A/N Hey guys thank you so much for reading! You guys are the best! Hope you guys are enjoying my story and aren't tired of it :D please keep reading and voting. Love you guys :)

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