Chapter 30

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Matt's POV
"Charlotte!" I yelled coming in the front door. "Char-" I started again but then froze when I saw them.

"Uh surprise?" she said not knowing how to say it. Beau waved hi and Ashley smiled. "We'll leave you two alone." Charlotte said grabbing Beau by the hand and going out the front door.

I sat across from Ashley, "how was your trip?" I asked not sure if it was the right thing to say.

"Good, I missed you." she said. "I couldn't wait to see you."

"Yeah... uh me either." I stuttered.

"Come on, you still can't be mad at me. The picture wasn't even real!" she explained to me.

"I don't know what to believe. He seems more your... type anyways."

"We are just friends. Please I can't lose you." she said sitting by me.

"The picture wasn't real?"

"One hundred percent fake." She placed her hand on top of mine, I wanted to believe her but I'm not sure.

"Okay... I believe you."

"Oh thank god. Well I have to go." she said getting up and walking to the front door with me trailing behind.

When I opened the door there was Beau and Charlotte, close together... too close. She waved bye to Ashley and gave me a smirk, she knew I believed her.

When we got inside we sat in the front room. "Anyways, I wanted to tell you I got picked to play for team Canada in the World Championship!" I exclaimed.

"That's awesome!" she said giving me a big hug.

"Congrats!" Smiled Beau.

"Thanks guys. I leave in a week..."

"After my graduation right?" Charlotte cut me off, shit her graduation.

"Yes of course." I tried to reassure her.

"Okay awesome, then I'll just go back to Pittsburgh with you." she said gleaming at Beau.

"Sounds good to me." he said.

Today is Charlotte's graduation... and when I leave for the World Championship.

"I'll be back soon!" I yelled to her.

"Don't be late! It starts at eleven!" she yelled from her bathroom.

"I won't bye!" I had to hurry to the Pepsi Center to get all the information.

Charlotte's POV
"You ready Gorgeous?" asked Beau from behind my bedroom door.

I took one last look in my mirror and replied "Yeah, be right out." I was worried because Matt wasn't back yet.

The whole car ride there all could think about was Matt, he better not be late.

"Hey don't worry." said Beau squeezing my hand lightly, "he'll show."

I gave him a smile. When we got to the venue I told Beau bye and went back with my class. The blare of the music started playing and we started walking out in alphabetical order. I looked back to see if Matt was sitting next to Beau, he wasn't.

Matt's POV

Shit! Graduation already started and I was already forty five minutes left, they'll start giving out diplomas soon. I was speeding through the streets to get there.

Charlotte's POV

"Now, time to hear the speech of our Valedictorian." With th at I started to walk up to the stage.

"My fellow peers..." I began still not seeing him "College isn't the end it's really only the beginning. Treasure every moment from here on out. Don't take anyone or anything for granted. I learned that the heard way when my parents passed away a few months ago. My brother and I didn't get along but the death of our parents brought us closer then ever. He taught me things I never could have taught myself. My point here is take the hard work you have put into college and put that hard work into life. Learn from people, forgive people, and make the most of of life. Thank you." I walked off the stage.

Matt's POV

"Macy Van!" Was the first thing I heard when I walked in, I missed her getting her diploma... I missed it. I found and sat next to him, he didn't say anything. I was such a douche, I had a chance to see another one of her graduations and I missed it, because of hockey again, she will never forgive me ever.

"You're 2015 graduating class!" The arena roared with cheers.

We met up with Charlotte outside, she was not happy.

"'Oh yeah Char don't worry I'll be there' my ass!" Was the first thing she said to me, "I honestly thought you changed but nope I'm wrong again! I hope you're happy! I wrote my damn speech with you in but you weren't even here. Have fun in Europe." she said to me then walked off. Beau tried to get her to come back, no use.

I deserved this.

What I Didn't SayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ