Chapter 22

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Charlotte's plane should be landing soon,  do I show her the letter? Just do it, I told myself so I left the letter on the counter.

When she got off the plane she gave me the biggest hug.

"How was your weekend?" I asked her.

"Good, come on let's go!" she said.

When we got home I made her lunch and she sat on the counter, and saw the letter. She opened it and read it, after she finished reading it she just folded I back up.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah just tired." she smiled.

After lunch I had to go to practice.

Charlotte's POV

After Matt left I laid on my bed thinking about the letter, I wasn't sure if I should take it or not. I mean I haven't fully forgave Beau yet but it was a great opportunity, I was torn. Soon enough I fell asleep, but only for a short while then I woke up to my phone buzzing.

"Hello?" I answered lazily.

"Please forgive me."

"Trying to."

"I can't focus. I know it was really really stupid. "

"Just now figuring that out?"

"Always had the feeling."

"We can't move passed thins unless you tell my brother."

There was silence on the other line for a moment "... If that's what I have to do I'll do it."

Matt's POV

"Great practice boys! See you at the game." said coach when we all started to head for the locker room.

"How's Charlotte doing?" asked Gabe.

"Good." I said thinking about the letter.

"What's up with you?" he asked.

I told him what the letter said, and how I didn't want her to move. Her reaction also surprised me, I thought she would be jumping with joy but it was the total opposite. Gabe was surprised too.

"Maybe she's thinking about what she wants to do." he suggested while we walked out.

"I thought she would already know the answer. I'll see later." I said before getting in my truck.

When I got home Char was watching TV so I sat next to her. She handed me the letter without looking at me. I reread it still having the same feelings.

"What are you going to do?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure yet." she said handing me another letter.

It read...

Dear Ms. Duchene,

It would be our honor and privilege to have you come work for us during your years of medical school. If you chose to come work for us it will be a paid internship and would start during training camp. We also wanted to congratulate you on graduating a year early and cannot wait to see where the future takes you, hopefully back to Canada.

The Montreal Canadians

I refolded the letter and gave it back to her, she was just as in shock as I was. Before I could say something to her there was a knock at the door.

A/N Hey guys! Thank you thank you for all the votes and reads it makes me so happy!  Hope you guys are enjoying my story. Love you guys :)

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