Chapter 3

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A few days after our agreement I planned a little brother/sister bonding time. I went in her room to go wake her up. I found her hugging her laptop, her hair in a knot, and little drool. I started shaking her to wake her up.

"Charlotte! Wake up!" I yelled, still shaking her. She didn't move a muscle. I gave up on the shaking and started jumping on the bed. "Charlotte! Wake up! There is free doughnuts!"

Once I said that she sat right up wiping the drool off her face.

"What time is it?!" she yelled.

"Eight o'clock!" I shouted while plopping on the bed.

"Well where are the doughnuts?" she asked

"Uh... At the store?" I said trying to play stupid.

"I am going back to sleep. Goodnight." she said then covered her head with a blanket.

"No, no!" I said while ripped the covers off, "We are going paintballing with Gabe and his girlfriend. So hurry up and get ready." I said before leaving.

I heard her whine before I left the room. I never knew she could get ready so fast, fifteen minutes exactly.

"You owe me doughnuts." she said still half asleep in the car.

"Okay fine!" I whined back.

Once we got to the paintballing arena we saw Gabe and his girlfriend, he was holding a box of doughnuts. Then I saw the whole team... This wasn't the plan.

"I thought it was just Gabe and Mel?" she asked crossing her arms, she's so sassy.

"Yeah well surprise to both of us. I didn't know the whole team was coming." I said

"I look so ratchet. You're lucky Gabe has doughnuts." she said before getting out of the car.

"Thank you Gabe!" I said while looking up, then getting out.

"I knew Matt would say there was doughnuts, so here." said Gabe handing her the doughnuts.

"This is why you are my favorite! Hi Mel!" she said giving her a hug.

"Hey sweet girl! We need to catch up. I haven't seen you in forever." said Mel.

"We do." then they started walking off eating the doughnuts and saying hi to the team.

"How did you know I would mention doughnuts?" I asked

"Cause I know you guys!" he said with a smile "Sorry the rest of the team wanted to come see Charlotte before the game so... Surprise!" he said throwing his arms in the air.

"Let's just get going." I said rolling my arms.


 We were all geared up we divided in to teams.

"We are missing some boys." I told Gabe through my mask.

"Not everyone showed up, some where busy." he said "They'll see you guys tonight."

Then we started the battle. Which lasted forever! Who knew a bunch of hockey players were kick ass at paintballing. Varly was the first to get out, it was like a chain reaction, then Talbot, Stuart, and so forth until it was just me and Charlotte. Figures, we used to go paintballing all the time.

"He's behind the car!" Mel yelled to Charlotte.

"Hey no far!" I yelled.

"She's inside the bus!" yelled Gabe to me

"Shut up Gabe!" she yelled

I sat for a minute thinking about my next move... My tactic, slowly move closer. I went from car to car, barrel to barrel. I was so close to the bus then BAM! she shot me twice from behind.

"You're stupid! You always use the same tactic!" she said taking off her mask.

"It's the only one I know!" I said doing the same thing.

"Well you better find a new one!" she said laughing, what? We laughed together.

"Take that Matt!" yelled Mel from the side lines.

"It was a lucky shot!" yelled Gabe, then him and Mel started play fighting.

After we all left we went to lunch, it was actually really enjoyable then we left to rest up for the game.


"We score now no OT!" yelled Coach. I was too tired to go into OT so I was determined to make this happen.

"We got this!" yelled Gabe over the crowd.

I looked at the clock one minute exactly, the faceoff is in the Penguins zone so we could make this happen. Landeskog won the faceoff, the puck came to me. I was passing through players left and right. Then, I shot, Gabe got the rebound and scored! The Pepsi Center went wild! We haven't won a game in forever so this felt really good!

We all piled up against the glass in celebration, I saw Charlotte jumping up and down smiling. After the three stars were announced I went into the locker room.

Charlotte's POV

I waited for what seemed like forever outside the locker room doors, then a pretty attractive man walked out of the visitors locker room.

"I thought Duchene's girlfriend was blonde?" he said looking at me, I was wearing a Duchene jersey so it made sense to ask the question.

"She is. We aren't dating. That'd be weird, we look alike and are siblings." I said with a smile.

"Oh! I am sorry." he said flashing his million dollar smile. "I'm Beau Bennett." he said holding out his hand for me to shake it.

"Charlotte Duchene." I said smiling and shaking his hand.

"Your first time at a game?" he asked.

"No, just... It's been a while." I said with a laugh.

"Well hopefully you come to the one in Pittsburgh." he said with a sly smile.

"Maybe I will." I said returning the sly smile.

Then he handed me a piece of paper, then Matt walked out.

"Let's hit the... Whatcha doing?" he asked eyeing both of us.

"Oh I was just telling her how sorry I am for your guys' loss."

"Thanks... We'll catch you around." Matt said before walking away, that was my que to go to.

"See you later." I said before scampering off.

"See ya!" I heard him say.

A/N: Hey guys thanks for reading! Hope you like me story! Please keep reading and voting. Love you guys. :)

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