Chapter 25

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I sat up in my seat "Which one?" I asked nervously.

"None!" she laughed, I paused for a moment, "April Fools!" she yelled then ran away.

This was the most dreaded day of the year with Charlotte. Today would be a non stop day full of pranks from her, I'm not that smart to come up with anything good so I fail miserable at getting revenge.

As I was walking to my room I hit something and bounced back a little, before trying to walk in again I place my hand out in the door way... cling wrap.

"Damn it Charlotte!" I laughed.

"What could I have possibly done?" she said trying to act all innocent from her doorway.

"Yeah, I'll get you back." I promised her.

When I was waking out the door to head to practice I was on high alert, walking up against walls, checking my surroundings while creeping to the front door.

"I'll be back!" I yelled then slowly opened the door and slid out.

During practice we had to face it that the playoffs just wasn't going to happen for us this year, disappointed practice. We still went through drills and everything as normal but it felt like for nothing. After practice it was just a hollow feeling in the locker room, not playoff bound hollowness.

"Next year boys." said Gabe before walking out.

I was the last to leave, this season wasn't my best. I feel like I had failed my team and that if I had gotten my shit toegther earlier in the season we would be headed to the playoffs next week. My drive home was even emptier then the feeling in the locker room.

The moment I walked up to the front door I almost just opened it, then I remembered it was April 1st and Charlotte was here for it this year. I looked above me to see if there was a bucket about to fall on me, no so I slowly walked in. Smash! Charlotte smacked me with something than ran away, I had no idea what she hit me with but it was stinging were she had hit. I'm not going to lie I was scared to walk through my own house.

"Matt!" she taunted.

Just make it I your room I told myself, I started running towards my room when out of nowhere Charlotte came started spraying me with shaving cream and silly string.

"!" she finally got out while laughing histarically.

I looked at her for a moment then smile, I look of fear washed over her face. I started to run after her, she was running like a maniac.

"Got you!" I exclaimed once I got her cornered and into a bear hug.

"Ew!" she laughed while I was wiping the stuff off my face then putting it on her face. "You win!" she laughed.

"Uhh this is nothing. You just wait." I said letting her go.

Later that night I sat by Charlotte on the couch, who was writing something in a journal.

"Whatcha writing?" I asked while flipping through the channels.

"My acceptance letter, so I at least have and outline once I finally pick which team." she said not looking up.

"You know where ever you go I'll support you?" I asked, our eyes meeting.

"I would hope so." she smiled then went back to writing.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the short update but I just felt like writing. I hope you guys are enjoying my story! Please keep reading and voting! Love you guys :)

What I Didn't Sayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें