Chapter 8

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"We should actually watch a movie." laughed Mel.

"Good idea. Which one?" I asked

"I'm in a Mean Girls mood." she said while eating popcorn.

I put the movie in and sat next to her.

"So how'd the date go?" she asked being all sly

"It was the most fun I've had in a while. We went ice skating then dinner and..." I stopped mid sentence.


"Shhhhh! You'll wake up Matt!" I whispered yelled. "He kissed me." I said not looking at her.

"The Beau Motherfucking Bennett kissed you?!" she whispered yelled too.

"Yes! Then you had to call and Matt had to come home." I said pretending to fake cry.

"Damn you Matt!" she said while making a fist and shaking it at his door.

We talked more about how my date went and what she did while I was gone. After about three movies later we crashed on the couch.

Matt's POV

I woke up the next morning to see Mel and Charlotte passed out on to the couch. I tried to leave the house as quietly as possible. One the way to practice I was really nervous about tonight's game, we haven't been winning a lot like last year.

All throughout practice I practice on scoring and my shootout shots.

"When you shoot top self make sure to pick up the puck more." Coach Roy told me when I came back to the bench.

"Okay." I said out of breath.

After practice I got a text from Charlotte.

Charlotte: Bring home doughnuts

I just smiled and shook my head. When I got home I have never seen my sister so happy.

"Oh my God!" she yelled and jumped off the couch, "I am starving!" she said shoving a doughnut in her mouth.

"It's about time!" said Mel walking out of the bathroom, "You need better food."

"I'll try better next time." I laughed.

After they ate, Mel had to go.

"What are you doing today?" asked Charlotte.

"Uh, I am not sure. What are you going to do?"

"Probably study. Cause college is so fun." she said sarcastically.

"Well have fun with that, are you coming to the game tonight?"

"Maybe. I am not sure yet, I am going to go study." then she went into her room.

Charlotte's POV

As I turned on my computer to start studying I came across some old videos of my basketball days back in highschool. I started watching one then hours later I found myself still watching them

"Are you coming.. Woah are those your basketball videos?" asked Matt sitting by me.

"Yeah... these were some pretty awsome days."

"Championship game huh? You never did the jump ball cause you were too short."

"I am surprised I made it to varsity." I said laughing.

"I'm not, you're a beast at basketball."

"You mean that?"

"Of course."

Then when I scored the winning basket at championship game you heard our parents yelling cheering, then they turned the camera around and were cheering. I got tears in my eyes.

"They are very proud of you, you know?" said Matt giving me a side hug.

"You mean us."

"I really hope so. I am sorry I missed this moment, it was your last game as a senior."

"It's okay, you got to experience it now."

"Okay no crying, let's get going."

Then we were on our way to the game.


This game was not going well, we were down by one with thrity seconds left in the third period.

Matt's POV

"Okay guys, here is the game plan... Drive to the net." said Coach during our timeout.

"Thirty seconds is plenty of time." said Gabe trying to get our hopes back up. "No empty net goal for them, got it." then we went to our zone to do the faceoff.

I won the faceoff, me and Gabe were passing back and forth like we did against the Penguins, and score! I did a backhander and we were headed into overtime.


"Nice try guys. We snagged a point." said Coach in the locker room. "Come on guys it's only Novemeber, we can still  make it to the playoffs."

After our prep talk we all left, sad and depressed.

"See you later." said Gabe as I got into my truck.

"See ya." I waved.

"You got an almost winning goal." said Charlotte giving me smile.

"Hopefully next time it will be the game winner."

"You just need to skate faster." she said taunting me.

"Oh yeah is that it?" I said mocking her attitude.

"Yes, try running more, your legs are a little slow."

"Oh hell no you didn't just tell me that."

She sighs "Someone had to."

"That's it, tomorrow we are going to race." I said feeling proud.

"You lose you buy me pizza and ice cream."

"And when I win you buy me..." I had to think for a moment "You have to buy me a kitty?"

"A cat?!"

"Yes! That's Ashely's Christmas gift."

"Cheap ass!"

"Do we have a deal?"

She thought for a moment then shook my hand "Deal."


"Are you that stupid?! She used to play basketball! She ran all the time!" exclaimed Gabe on our way to a track.


"At least she asked for something cheap!"

"I am going to lose huh?"

"Run fast my friend, run very fast." he said as we got out of the car and to the track.

A/N Hey guys! Hope you like my story. I am going back to a "regular" school (I do online right now) and won't be updating as much. But I hope you guys keep reading and voting! Love you guys :)

What I Didn't Sayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें