Chapter 14

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"Smells good!" said Beau's dad sitting down.

"Thank you! I had help from the girls." said Beau's mom smiling at us.

"Awe look at the cute couple!" said Kailey.

Beau gave her a shut-the-hell-up look and kicked her under the table, whatever she was going to say she decided to hold back.

"So Charlotte, how is college treating you?"  Beau's dad asked.

"So far so good. I graduate this year then it's off to med school." I said smiling.

"You are going to be a great doctor! You should totally work for the NHL!" Kailey exclaimed.

"Thank you and maybe." I said.

Then we got into the conversation about how Beau and I met.

"Well..." then Beau butted in.

"I got lost at the Pepsi Center and she showed me where I needed to go." he said like it was nothing, like it was the truth.

"Oh how sweet of you!" his mom said, I was able to breathe again.

After that we started talking about anything and everything, his family was so laid back I felt at ease with his family. After lunch I helped clean up and do the dishes.

Beau's POV

While my dad and I sat on the couch he kept giving me this odd look, like he knew something I didn't.

"What?" I finally asked.

"You guys are dating aren't you?" he asked in a whisper.

I took a deep breath and shook my head yes, "She was so nervous to meet you guys as my girlfriend." I whispered.

"I can see that, she hid her nervousness pretty well."

"She was really trying to." I laughed quietly.

"She's a good one, don't let her slip through your fingers." my dad said all serious.

"Yeah she is..." I said glancing at her with my mom and sister in the kitchen, she looked more comfortable now then she did before.

"Don't screw it up." he said pointing his finger at me.

"Dad, I don't plan on it." I said, then we started watching more hockey.

Charlotte's POV

I loved spending time with Beau's mom and sister, they were so nice and sweet. Then I looked at the time and realized I had to go.

"Bye." I told everyone before leaving.

"Come visit again soon!" said Beau's mom hugging me.

"I will." I said. "I look foward to reading your stuff!" I told Kailey giving her a hug.

"I'll show you them soon." she promised.

As we were in the car you could tell Beau wanted to tell me something but didn't.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

He took a very deep breath "They know we're dating." he said all in one breath.

"I figured." I said.

"Wait what?" he asked.

"I mean you could just tell. I'm okay with it, I like your family."  I said looking out the window.

"Better than me?" he asked acting like he was offened.

"I hate to break it to you... but yes." I joked.

"Maybe you shouldn't have met my family." he laughed.

"It was a mistake."  I giggled.

"Well damn, I hope you enjoyed your time with them cause you're never going back!"

We both laughed about it. One thing I admired about him was he able to hold a conversation, no matter how cheesy it was. As we got near my house there were a lot of cars parked outside.

"Having a party?" Beau asked opening my door.

"I thought Matt said a few guys not the whole team." I said adjusting my jacket.

"Well you have fun in there!" he laughed walking me to the door.

"You should come inside." I said with a cheesy smile.

"Uh your brother scares the hell outta me I don't want to be in a room with him and his friends." he laughed nervously.

"Yeah that's true... Do I still get a kiss?" I said putting my hands behind his neck.

"I'll have to think about that.. you do like my family more than me." he said putting his hands on my waist.

"Shut up!" I said then leaned in for a kiss.

When we pulled away he said, "Your brother is probably watching us from the window and planing twenty five different ways to kill me." he smiled.

"Probably, but I still have your family." I taunted.

"Aren't you hilarious." he said, "I better go I'll talk to later." he gave me one more kiss before walking down the stairs.

When I walked in the first thing I heard was Matt's booming voice.

"What the actual hell has Beau done with my sister? She's wearing a dress!" he said sitting on the bar stool.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed while I took off my jacket.

"What? Char is dating Beau Bennett?" asked Gabe who walked over by Matt.

"Surprise!" I said throwing my arms in the air.

"Oh no this is not good." said Ryan O'Reilly.

"I am going to kick your ass."I told Matt.

"They were going to find out somehow." he said turing his stool where I went.

"They are cute!" exclaimed Mel coming to my defense.

"Thank you!" I said giving her a hug, "She's my home girl."

"Whatever! Let's play a game." said Matt getting down from the stool.

We played Uno, which of course included bets and challenges.

"I bet Matt that if I win he does thirty more suicides at the next practice." said Gabe holding out his hand for Matt.

"Deal." he said shaking Gabe's hand, "And I bet you Char that if I beat you Beau will have to have dinner... with the whole team."

I waited for a moment, thinking this out through and through, "Deal." I said shaking his hand.

"Good! Let's get going!" said Matt.

A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.1k READS! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I hope you are enjoying my story! Please keep reading and voting. I'll update as much as I can. Love you guys! :)

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