Chapter 42

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"What's this all about?" I asked pulling away and looking into his baby blues.

"I'm such an ass." he half laughed.

"You got that right." I said getting up from his lap, but then he pulled me back down.

"I wasn't mad at you... I was mad at myself." he said grabbing my hand, "I was just remembering over the summer how we were going to have a baby then poof that vanished. I just remember looking on the ice and thinking life could have been so different. You were on the bench smiling and looking all cute and I was just thinking how sad you were when we lost it." he said as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I was trying to blame someone else for that sadness but it was me and I was a total jerk to you." He said with a sad smile.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. It happened for a reason. We wouldn't be where we are right now, plus Bender is our baby." I smiled.

"Feels nice to cuddle you again, I've missed that." he smiled then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Me too." I said pecking him on the lips.

"What I didn't say is I love you Charlotte Duchene." he smiled.

"Love you too Beau Bennett. " I smiled back

Matt's POV
"Introducing your Colorado Avalanche! " boomed the announcer and we all ran on to the ice. I would occasionally look behind the net expecting Charlotte to be there but she wasn't.

We ended up losing the game again the Kings but it was only by a goal. I was just anxious to go home and call Char.

"Hello?"she answered.

"Hey sis! What's going on?" I asked flipping through the channels.

"Just going to dinner with Beau, his spine injury isn't as bad as we thought so he should be back on the ice in about a month." she explained.

"Really? That's awesome! So he should be good for Gabe and Mel's wedding?"

"Oh yeah for sure! It's in four weeks right?"

"Yep. First week of December."

"We'll probably come out a week before."

"Sounds good! I'll talk to you later." I said before hanging up.

Three weeks, just three weeks. I can make it. I went into her old bedroom and looked at its emptyness. A year had already flown by and she was gone. Paisley kept trying to get under the bed so I thought he just wanted one of his toys.

"What's going on Buddy?" I asked crawling on the floor. He wasn't looking for his toy but he found a box instead. I opened it and found all the letters my mom had written to her almost all of them where open. "Should I read them?" I asked Paisley. I couldn't help myself, I wonder why she left them.

Dearest Charlotte,
I know these times are tough on you right now but I know you can pull through. What I didn't say is how unbelievably proud we are of you. You are a fine young woman and will go far. Your boyfriend, whenever he may come about, is going to be so lucky to have you. All I ask is that you try to get along with your brother, that's my final wish for you two. You guys used to be so close but now you're not. What I didn't say is I miss you two together.

Love always,

I was speechless, I had no words. She had made Mom's last wish come true, she tried hard and made it happen. A few letters later and I almost read all of the ones she had opened.

Dear Charlotte,
You made it through college! I can't believe my little girl finally finished. What I didn't say is how excited I was for this day. I've decided to call these letters 'What I Didn't Say' letters cause I think that's my new catch phrase. Makes sense right? But on with my point I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be there to support you but all I can say is I'm so proud of you. I'm guessing you probably have a boyfriend by now, I don't think it's Jeremy but another great guy. What I'm trying to say here is I'm sorry I'm not able to meet him but if he makes you happy I'm happy. Live life the way you always wanted to.

Much love,

After that night the three went by fast, Beau was skating already and they were on their way to Colorado. I honestly couldn't wait.

After hours of anticipation the door bell finally rung and it was them, I tried my best not to jump with joy.

"You guys are finally here!" I said giving Char a hug and a hand shake for Beau. It was a cold November night so we quickly got then inside. They so many jackets on it took them a moment to take them off. They put the bags in her old bedroom, it made the emptyness kind of go away. It felt nice, only six more days until the wedding.

A/N Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating a lot but I'll try my best to get back to it. I hope you guys still like it and thank you for voting. I'm starting a new story tomorrow so you guys should check it out when it's posted! You guys are the best, love you guys :)

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