Chapter 7

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Wow guys! I got at LEAST 10 people ask to be in the story. the first request was put in, Nikki. after that I got like 3 Rachels, 2 Delanys, 1 Nicole, 2 Mackenzies, 1 Michelle, and 1 Bella. at that point I realized that I had got a lot more people ask then I expected. so I put Nikki in, because it was my very first request, and then I decided to put (y/n) because you can put your name in [Nobody has two names, so it would be hard to put both friends as (y/n). ]
Alright! Read, comment, vote, enjoy!

When I got home from school the maids and I squealed as I told them every detail of what happened today. I was so excited! Tamato was really upset ever since father called him into his office today, but I had another plan to cheer him up.
"Tamato? Are you okay??" I nudged the door of his room open and peeked inside.
"I'm fine Olive. what do you want?" He replied sharply and angrily. it hurt my feelings. was he really that upset?
"I'm sorry Tamaki, for whatever I did that hurt you. I-I just... I'm so sorry!" I ran to my room crying, I cant take it when people are upset at me!!
It's okay, he doesn't hate me. I'll be okay, he loves me. he's just upset. it's alright. I'm totally okay.
Whoo. cool. great. ((I actually find this really helpful with coping with things so if you ever need it^^^))

When I got to my room I called Nikki and (y/n) ((her friends from the protection program)) and waited, listening to the horrid sound of the phone ringing.
"Hello?" Nikki picked up.
"Nikki! It's Ollie! Can we talk?"
"Yeah sure!! I'm so excited to hear from you! It's been forever! Oh! Let me grab (y/n)!" They were a cluster! Always super clumsy and talkative, Nikki could put a smile on Depressions face. However, she was also the cutest girl in the program, and all the boys thought so. (Y/n) was really smart and nerdy, but really pretty. Again all the boys wanted to date her! Why didn't any boys like me?! Well, besides Takeshi. heehee.
"Okay so what's up?"
"I kissed a boy today. and held his hand."
There was a moment of silence before loud yelps and squeals could be heard coming from the other end of the phone.
"OLLIE KISSED A BOY OLLIE KISSED A BOY!!" No doubt were Nikki and (y/n) running around the small cabin, waking everyone up as they went.
"okay what's his name?! What does he look like? How old is he? Is he tall? Short? Accent? Facial hair?!" They rambled on and on, asking who he was.
"Takashi Morinozuka. black hair, really steely-grey but beautiful eyes. Seventeen. very. definetly not. no. uh, no, he's only seventeen."
"Take a picture and send it to us!!!" Those two crazy girls were practically begging.
"Okay, Okay I will! Now I've gotta go, I'm a busy chick! Bye guys!!" With that I quickly hung up before they could protest.
Just when I was about to fangirl BECAUSEIKISSEDTAKASHIOMG, Tamato peeked my door open.
"Olive? Are you okay? I'm sorry for snapping at you."
"O-Oh. yeah I'm alright. are you okay?" I looked down at the circle painted around my bed as I spoke softly.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just upset because Grandmother is coming to visit."

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